The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 12 of 17)

Know Your Rights Workshop!

Are you nervous now about going to fundraisers and house parties? 

When do you have the right to record police officers with media? 
When are you required to produce ID? 
What are your rights when a police officer asks to search you or your property?
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GSU Tentative Agenda for 11/19/2014

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Meeting Minutes 11/5/2014

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First-Year Representative Application Deadline

Hey First-Year Students!

All GSU first-year student representative applications are due today at 5:00 PM! You can submit them at S&A in the CAB, or email them at 


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Evergreen Arts and Crafts Fair!

Hey Folks!

The Evergreen Arts and Crafts Fair is happening again this year on November 19th, 11am-6pm in the CAB.

Spots are still open for vendors, so please apply at

Application deadline is this Friday!

It’s a great way to make a few $$ and you’ll have a wonderful experience hanging out with other crafters

Tentative Agenda for GSU Meeting 10/29/2014

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Meeting Minutes 10/15/2014

Meeting Minutes 10/15/2014

Absent Emily, Oomung

Chair: Tyler Bieber

Meeting Minutes: Approved

Agenda: Approved
Forest: Form a committee to promote election commissioner

Tyler: hiring permanent hiring committee

Nicholas: Green screen update (table next week)

Check In’s

  • Andrew: space for members to check in about what people have been up to
    • Brendan: Takes up time not everyone is allowed to present
    • Tyler: stack, 5-10 minutes designated for check-ins
    • Examples of Check In’s: Brendan can give the GSU an update on the S&A Board hiring process.
    • Dylan: Update on meeting in Pullman for the Washington Student Boards Association Meeting
  • Brendan: motion to add check-ins to agenda, as long as it does not take up an agenda item, but is worth mentioning to the Union. (Nominated)

GSU Scholarship

  • Geoduck instead of the GSU
    • input for the name of the scholarship
    • The scholarship can build a positive bridge between the GSU and the student body
    • There was a debate, regarding if a GSU member could receive this award
    • Tyler forms stack
    • Dylan: Can we use the name without the vote of the students? Representatives of the unions
    • the name can be the Geoduck Student Leader/Leadership Scholarship-not student union

Concerns with a GSU scholarship:

  • Members are nervous about an idea of a scholarship created by the GSU ,because it sends a message that it is the GSU’s responsibility to bridge the financial gap with their own personal resources due to the system’s failure in supporting students.
    • Temporary scholarship-people will miss it/not recognize it
    • It potentially sends a message where GSU members do not need stipends
    • Concerns with using the “Geoduck Student Union” name


  • Dylan: Can you apply when you will not be a GSU rep the following year?
    • Nicholas: understand issues (donating money, name)
    • reservations for the precedent of the future
    • Can be a part of the GSU 2014-15 legacy
    • Tyler: after questions, motion or table
    • Linkon: give time for other’s to speak
    • Forest: see it as representatives appropriate for us to lend our name, creates a space to create a future, negativity in the room
    • Nicholas: motion to approve the GSU solidarity scholarship
    • 7 votes: approving
    • 7 votes: denied
    • scholarship name denied

Open Committee Positions

  • open committees positions posted on commons, bulletin board, office
    • Evelyn suggests to have the promotional material done before this weekend (before harvest weekend)
    • Tyler: target date for committee position (week 5 or 6)
    • Andrew: week 5, unfilled committees appoint GSU members

WSA Liaison

  • Jeff, Nina, Anne are interested in the position
    • Evelyn suggests giving other Evergreen students a chance to apply for this position
    • Tyler explained that other schools already have a liaison who are developing strategic plans.
    • Set a target date
    • Jeff mentioned getting a group together and strategizes for the WSA Liaison position.
    • Jeff: contact first-year advising, reach out to find students interested in this position
    • Outreach team-contact first-year advising
    • Nina said that there is a budget of $4,000 for this position, and allow non-GSU members to apply for the position.
    • Tyler reminded the GSU that WSA has been having meetings since August. GSU has started to attend these meetings in October.
    • Set up a plan to to have a liaison hired at the end of the academic year
    • motion-to leave the position open for the next two weeks (nominated)
    • Dylan: if there will be multiple applicants, then there should be an interview process.
    • Tom will post the position on CODA
    • Brendan: motion to create WSA Liaison committee (nominated)
    • Committee members: Evelyn, Molly, and Brendan
    • Tom: information for budget-WSA fee and remaining balance

Greener Commons Discussion Update

  • Andrew: Dylan H said there is no way that academic computing will make a canvas for student groups.
    • Moodle is a possibility-strongly recommended against that-enrollment status
    • A forum can be created on Word press where there is a section only for members to use
    • the forum would be located at
    • should the GSU use campus resources or look at other alternatives?
    • Forest: fine with not using state resources, and suggests trello.
    • Forest, Andrew, and Nat expressed interest in creating the Word press forum.
    • General interest in having a forum
    • Molly: focusing on GSU rep website where we can open up to the community
    • Motioned: to build a centralized group around the GSU website (privately) and abolished the facebook group
    • should the forum be private? And the Greener Commons page be public?
    • Forest urged that any conversations revolving around official business should be made public
    • Nicholas: vote on two separate issues, moved to separate votes (abolish the face book group and decided if the forum should be private or public.)
    Motion to create a private forum
    • Vote for: 9
    • Vote against: 5
    Motion to make a private forum (failed, needs 2/3 vote)
    • Andrew motion to abolish the facebook page
    • Other members suggests that the facebook page cannot be abolished until there is an alternative space for communication among GSU members.
    • Andrew: resend the motion to abolished page
    • Dylan: 30 minute cap for this discussion next week
    • Motioned to vote for public page (Nominated)

WSA Report

  • Tyler and Dylan attend WSA meeting-GSU’s first WSA meeting of this year
    • 4 representatives (vote on behalf evergreen student body) for the general assembly
    • general assembly on November 14th, at Washington Central
    • Tyler updated the GSU on what happened at the WSA meeting
    • opposed the 15 percent cut to all public agency
    • voted yes on a proposal on an item to legally defined consent as “yes means yes”
    • preserve/ created public transport system on campus
    • intend to vote yes on a drafting a proposal that calls for open aired space, not restricting foot traffic for free speech zone w/o consequences
    • There are conflicts for with not only budget cuts, but the notion to bring down class sizes in k-12th grade.
    • This funding will likely come from our budget
    • Evergreen’s budget is under 194 million dollars
    • Linkon: if we do reduce class size, more resources, more money
    • trying to get SPSCC to go to the WSA, representation for the board
    • Tyler and Misha will talk to SPSCC
    • Tyler: working group in a committee (drafting letters, lobby day events) established something next week
    • sat, jan 31st host WSA meeting
    • catering, 10-11 schools
    • Tom: who extended the invitation? In 2009, there was a vote for a onetime fee for the purpose of a membership and intern to attend WSA sessions. Two years ago, the GSU appointed someone, using S&A fees there is about 4,000 in an account. This fund can be used for memberships, intern-legislative session, travel expenses
    • Budget managers will review expenses for hosting the WSA meeting at Evergreen in December
    • Safe Communities Act-tabled for next week
    • Green Screens for next week

Nick and Evelyn left at 2:40

Safer Communities Act

  • Tyler provided a copy of “The Safe Communities Act” bill to GSU members.
    • Multiple incidents occurring on lower campus
    • There was an advocate presence during this discussion, Virginia Green
    • Organize a task force for the Green Dot Program
    • Supplement self-defense workshops to assist the Green Dot Program
    • Ask the S&A board for $1,000 budget for these projects
    • currently, there is a senior conduct office and a process to investigate these cases.
    • One person judging on two different interviews. This creates a bias perceptive on the situation.
    • Have 2 designated officers that would determine what happened in the situation
    • Appeals board (?)
    • record our progress with Office of Sexual Violence Prevention
    • Tyler will reach out and ask CASV members to be a part of this discussion.


Meeting Minutes 10/8/2014


Absent: Forest, Matthew, Nina, Ooumung

Nathan Lefkoff (arrived at 2:00)

Elected Chair: Dylan

Public Comments:
• Max. Merchant-SA coordinator
• S&A are interviewing candidates on the 13th and 15th, for the S&A board for next year
• The GSU can assist in choosing the S&A board for next year. GSU members can also apply for positions.
• 2 GSU members are needed for the hiring board.
Organizational Structure

Current Positions:

Budget Manager-knowledge of budget
Legacy Document-lists positions
Internal Coordinator-maintain communication between all parties
External Coordinator-communicate with other organizations on campus
Historian-mandated, file information in narrative document
Promotion Organizer: Promote events/activities and all things relating to the GSU
Office Manager: maintain a clean office space, write meeting minutes

• Positions are listed on the google docs site

*Besides Office Manager and Historian, GSU can add or take away positions

Add to next week’s agenda (?)

Promotional Organizer Position

• Emily: proposed multiple people to promotional organizer.
• Tyler: committee with 3 GSU reps
• Emily: suggested 2 GSU reps instead. Easier to communicate with two instead of three people.

• Promotional Committees of 2 GSU Reps (approved)

• Molly Pumfrey (Nominated)
• Anne Belson (Nominated)



External Coordinator

• 2 positions (lower/upper campus)
• 3 positions-(lower/upper/student groups) *amended

Upper Campus: Brenden Hale (nominated)
Lower Campus: Tyler Bieber (nominated)
Student Groups: Evelyn (nominated)

Internal Coordinator

• 1 GSU rep position
• Andrew (nominated)
• Andrew asked for interim with this position
Budget Manager

• 2 budget mangers (open positions)
• Emily Dunn-Wilder (Nominated)
• Nicholas Bense (Nominated)

• Person in this position will change per quarter
• Raven for fall quarter (nominated)

Andrew: be civil and respectful of other members around GSU business


GSU Members Attendance/GSU Meeting Time

Meeting Time-20 minutes cap
• Nat Lefkoff will be able to attend meetings on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM, due to a commitment with the Gateways program.
• GSU consensus of allowing Nat to show up at 2:00 PM at weekly meetings
• Anne Belson: A few members can form an outside small group to update Oomung regarding information of meetings.

Dylan forms stack

• Nat: missed two meetings, should GSU representatives attend all meetings?
• Dylan: if a GSU member meeting cannot make meetings, then they cannot be here to share opinions,
• Dylan also mentioned Forest’s idea to do a vote by proxy
• Jeff: The 1-3 meeting group is established, and there should be consistency for the student body. GSU members should be able to represent and share opinions at meetings.

• Nicholas: issue with Monday night? Schedule conflicts?
• Molly: some people have issues with meeting on Monday (work, classes),
• Linkon: declared Point of Order; focus back to the question, can someone visit meetings occasionally? (Students who cannot make the meetings? And should the GSU time change?)
• GSU consensus on clarifying a change in discussion

• Nicholas: move to established current meeting time for the rest of the year, explore alternatives
• Andrew: move to 1-3 PM CAB 301, Wednesdays
• Emily: amend the motion of the floor to reevaluate meeting time for next quarter, schedules can change.
• Slight confusion over the process of amendment
• Tyler: Once it is moved and seconded-cannot be amended
• If motioned and not seconded, then an amendment can be formed.
• Wednesday, 1-3, CAB; official meeting hours
• Andrew: difficult to remove from GSU, explore possibilities for Oomung. He is an elected member
• Nat: agreement in possibilities. Contact Oomung’s work on behalf of GSU, with Oomung’s permission
• Jeff: agreement, but Oomung should take steps to be in contact
• Molly: allow chance, but he should be willing to make an effort
• Misha: GSU is a paid position
• Tom: If a GSU representative does not consistently show up meetings, then they would not have earned their stipend
• Tyler: can draw up a system by by-laws, will not be present for meetings, and will be up for review.
• Past 20 Min cap
• Andrew: someone can have an important role. There is an established Committee of Review
• Nat: contact Oomung, let him know to contact GSU with solid response by email,

Hiring S&A Board Committee

• Two GSU members must be willing to be present for hiring process on the both Monday and Wednesday
• Brendan Hale (nominated)
• Emily Dunn-Wilder (nominated)

Noel McHugh

• IT housing
• Andrew: explore other avenues of fb. System of topics and threads
• Greener Commons /GSU category?
• Canvas site setup (possible)
• Work group meeting in 2 weeks (Wednesday at 1), send representatives to meeting. 1-2 sentences of purpose of having a GSU category in Greener Commons.
• Emily: Canvas for internal communication, three on commons to communicate, regarding agenda to the public.
• Talk to Dylan H. (Andrew will send email)
• not having a single topic for minutes (weekly minutes)
• Brenden: motion to move Greener Commons discussion for next week’s agenda
CPJ Column

• Bi-weekly column of questions directed the GSU, Nicholas would write responses based on the approval of the union.
• Evelyn: taking up time in discussions?
• Nicholas would post answers
• Tyler: move to allow Nicholas in collaboration with promotional team; entrusted with the final word
• Allow Nicholas to reach out for comments from the union

GSU Scholarship

• Nicholas creating a scholarship
• Geoduck Student Union Solidarity Scholarship
• Nicholas is using his stipend to create a scholarship
• Nicholas wants approval of the name or name ideas for the scholarship
• Scholarship criteria: for students who are actively creating change on campus
• one way to assist to students
• approval from GSU to use the union’s name for the scholarship
• Tom: needs to be a broader discussion for the use of name, ask the student body
• Tyler: motion to two budget managers in week 5 to present financial options towards the scholarship.
• 4 people opposed
• Nicholas: move to approve the name
• Molly: table for next week
• who/form scholarship committee
• information regarding the GSU scholarship process was sent to
• table this discussion for next week

Other Comments

• Linkon: add “New Business” to “Add Agenda” section
• New Business/Add Agenda



Meeting Minutes 10/1/2014

Absent: Dylan, Oomung, Nathan Lefkoff
Minutes: 1:52-3:09
Elect Chair: Branden Hale


Public Comments: None
Elected Members for Committees

Emily Dunn-Wilder: Health & Food

Tyler Bieber: Food Services Advisory

Nicholas: Presidential Fund Committee

Linkon: Interested in veteran’s committee

Comments on Committee Process

• Committees that should be filled by GSU reps

• Nina: Faculty Liaison (Nominated), contact Sandy

• Jeff, Evelyn nominees in Board of Trustees

• Jeff: Board of Trustees liaison (Nominated)

• Forest: appoint number of GSU to help fill committees by Oct. 15th
• Nicholas, Anne, and Molly will promote (posting flyers, tabling, Greener Commons, green screens, and etc.) all governance positions by Oct 15th on Campus
• Linkon will promote all governance positions by Oct 15th, on Tacoma’s campus

WSA Liaison/Board of Directors

• Appointing WSA liaison/Board of Directors
• Fill Board of Directors soon?
• Tyler is on the Board of Directors
• Anne is interested in Liaison position
• Position should be filled before winter

Emily-National Food Challenge

• Pressure on Food Service Corporations to purchase local, organic food. Increase student health.
• Air mark purchased 25% real food. Eggplant 73%. Aiming for real food percent 32% in 2020.
• Emily is asking for GSU’s official support.
• GSU will endorsed the Real Food Challenge Campus Food Coalition


• Tony-organizing director and Sarah-campus organizer.
• Grass-roots, student directed program. Promote democracy, environment, and other issues
• Register 300 students on campus to vote, GSU possibly endorsed voting campaign?

Improving Communication

• CommuniCATion,
• Facebook is troubling/ not everyone has access to Facebook
• Canvas? Talk to people from Greener Commons to set up a category for the GSU
• Tyler will speak with Noel McHugh, regarding Greener Commons for next week’s meeting
• Forest mentioned the site, trello.

Compensation for Traveling

• Linkon showed figures that reflect the cost of traveling from Tacoma to Olympia.
• $347.52
• GSU members quickly reviewed travel budget
• Linkon reimbursed $347.52 for travels of Tacoma
• $144.48 left in travel expenses
Next Week’s Agenda

• WSA Liaison Position
• Review “Let it all Hang out” let it all hang out
• Think about a new site for communication among members (Noel McHugh-Tyler Bieber)

Send agenda via. email


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