The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 16 of 17)

Meeting Minutes 2-22-12

Public Comment:

Sasha from WashPRIG came to the GSU meeting this week to give an update of what they have been doing and to join forces. WashPRIG is working on a project to ban plastic bags in Thurston County to protect thePuget Sound. What the WashPRIG would like to do with the GSU specifically is to have a voter registration training to educate younger students on why they should be voting.  She gave us her contact information for further information and action.

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New GSU Attendance Policy

Due to frequent absences, the GSU has created a new policy to effectively work with absent members. It reads:

If a representative has 2 unexplained absences in a row, or 4 explained and/or unexplained absences total, a subcommittee of at least 3 members will be formed to address the issue. This committee will try to contact the absent representative and then make a recommendation to the GSU about what should be done.” 

Meeting Minutes 2-15-12

Committee Update:

This week Jessica and Eli worked on sorting out a more effective way to have the committee’s achieve more together. The proposal was made to have 5 main head committee’s that would have sub-committee within them. Each head committee would have a Liaison that is a contact person who is the head person in that group. Each GSU member is required to be in at least one of these committee’s.

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Meeting Minutes 2-8-12

Tacoma Campus Visit

Jessica brought up that there has been an inconsistency with the people volunteering to be on committees but not fulfilling them. She suggested that we start using our task list again to have more accountability. It was brought up that the GSU could use Moodle or Google Groups to converse throughout the week (without email) and be able to correct meeting minutes before meetings to save time. Members could post progress notes, goals they are setting and keep track of attendance. Jessica made the motion to use Google Groups to keep members connected over the week. Tasha seconds motion. Motion passed.

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Meeting Minutes 2-1-12

Tacoma Visit:
The vans for the trip down to Tacoma next week need to be picked up before 12 on Wednesday. All members will be meeting at the van at 1 in C lot and leaving at 1:15 for Tacoma. The room the members are meeting in is 104 on the 1st floor.

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Meeting Minutes 1-25-11

Public Comment:

 Louis announced that today there would be a meeting at Traditions Café 7-8:30 for Peace Corps info. Also in April there would be a TEDX presentation and they need to select speaker and there is a meeting at 3pm today as well.

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Meeting Minutes 1-11-12

Public Comment:

 Kyle announced that there was going to be a meeting held for Ted-x presentations. He explained that Ted-x presentations are short inspirational videos on the internet and he wanted to bring a speaker to Evergreen. He wants student involvement to assisting him in completing this project.

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Meeting Minutes 12-7-11


Each member introduced themselves and stated how long they have been apart of the GSU.Chelsea gave a brief description how the GSU works and operates. She announced to the new members about the pot luck the first week of next quarter. We also discussed our trip toTacoma week 2.

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Meeting Minutes 12-5-11

This is an emergency meeting that was held to approve the new members for the GSU.

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Meeting Minutes 11-30-11

Public Comment:

Stephanie Conesa came to a GSU meeting to team up with them. Stephanie talked about how Evergreen and the National Guard both have negative names in the local community and how she would like to change that. She is also looking for ways to recruit on campus. She was referred to Career Services.

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