The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 4 of 17)

Meeting Minutes from 9/25/2017

9/25/17 GSU


Beth nominated by Devin as chair, Asher seconds


Janette- Students not already in the student employment system should complete the relevant forms.



Name pronouns Years of GSU
Devin He/Him Second
Emily She/Her First
Justin He/Him First
Adam He/Him Second
Brandon He/Him Second
Jaqu He/Him Second
Waylon He/Him Third
Paul He/Him First
Charles He/Him Second
Jennette She/Her First
Asher They/Them Second
Ian They/Them First
Beth She/Her First*
Martha Zo She/Her First



Student activities fair sign-up


12:00-3:00- Asher, Devin.


Able to partially attend- Charles, Waylon, Emily.


Prep work for GSU table-  Devin, Emily, Asher.

Polka-dot box is available

WSA/WASHPIRG voter registration drive 1:00

11:00-2:00- tomorrow only

Asher- bring voter registration forms to table



Leadership elections (1/2)


Officers must be elected by ⅔ majority= 8 of current members


Speaker- Emily



Ethics and Technology training


Will receive GSU Email with Staff functionality, access to Outlook, GSU Greener commons and Website which is under review. GSU Email will allow you to access Website back door. Currently Google files will be removed.

DON’T use personal email or your own Emails can be subject to public information requests. Use GSU Email for official use only- no interpersonal salt, private/personal communication, memes perhaps? Emails will most likely be made public at some point so use it wisely. If students email you privately, refer them to your public Email. Washington State ethics board- active/draconian. Professional staff do online training with recent public employee case studies- many have been fined and required to pay intense restitution. Because of spotlight on Evergreen, be careful to only use Email for personal use. If you talk salt about work you get a stipend for, it becomes public record. Talk tea in person.




Justin- If you have several paid positions at EV, can you mix emails? A- Yes, all staff Emails are alike as long as you speak clearly for the correct position- make sure students know when you speak on behalf of GSU and when you speak on behalf of other things.


Devin- what does this mean for phone correspondence- be careful.


Paul- Are we required to keep all our Emails- No, the college is keeping your Emails for you. You may be asked to help Identify search terms that would be helpful.


Devin-  what about student Emails- Protected by FERPA as educational records unless you are discussing GSU business.


Waylon- how did you get your job and what is your job- Senior RD- one year temporary position to help guide transitions.


Public record requests in Washington are very informative and speedy.


Devin- Recommendations for protecting emails from TROOLS.- Focus on the job. Even if you are challenging the institution, as long as you aren’t spilling tea. Don’t share your password and logout, use the right account. Take the time to double check that you are sending from the correct account.

Emails are encrypted, be careful to differentiate when you are speaking as a GSU member or as a student. Previous work is in violation of the law- keeping information centralized helps GSU year-to-year get on track.


Greener common=Dumpster fire


Ignore the trolls as a GSU rep.


Devin- Outlook training tools? – free resource for EV students to learn stuff.


Brandon- can I set up a meeting with moderators- A- there is very little moderation.


You will likely get staff Emails- many Staff don’t know how to use Email. Distribution lists misuse state resources. Perhaps be cautious before engaging in staff Email chain.


Devin- recommends GSU communication policy. Charles- communications committee

—Claps for Ray—


Leadership elections (2/2)


Justin- can we vote after each nomination?


Asher- in past, nominees have spoken and left the room for their specific positions.


Brandon- as long as we have a method.


Body votes to handle election as in previous years


Charles moves to auto-hire all one-candidate races

Body votes down motion


Deputy speaker- Brandon

Parliamentarian- Devin


Devin passes a motion to make officer elections first on the agenda next week and to carry agenda items to next Wednesday



Meeting ajourned

Minutes from 06/07/2017, last meeting of the school year.

Representatives present: Dylan Macardican, Brandon Ellington, John Gundayao, Charles Adkins, Mia Harvey, Asher Matthews, Devin Moncada, Chin Yun Kung, Aidan Ripley, Micah Nordgren, Mike Espy, Jacques LeBlanc, Waylon Robert, Levi Campbell.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:18pm.


Motion to approve the Minutes



Motion to approve the Agenda



Public Comments:

Tom let us know about the open space with food available in Student Activities.



Camille thanked their team for their work over the past year and let them know that she was possibly going to be the next WashPIRG Campus Organizer for Evergreen next year.

Devin thanked Beth, our election commissioner, Tom, our advisor, Camille, the ED, and Dylan, the Deputy Speaker, for all their work.  Camille, Dylan, and Mia are graduating, Tom is retiring.

Mia updated the team on the letter of support for the RAs.  Will be sent out to them soon for feedback.

Waylon let us know where his internship fund was at.  Going well.

Brandon asked the team if he could hold the Interim Executive Director for the summer.

Motion to let him have the position for the summer so he can work on a project him and Beth, the next ED, came up with together.


Asher apologized to the team for his absence and let the team know that his year of the end report will be sent out by Monday.


Elections Results:

We can only take in 17 but candidates number 16,17, and 18 are tied.  Our constitution keeps us from taking in all 18 instead of 17.

Motion to approve the election results for Fall quarter 2017.


Motion to notify the three way tied candidates that next year’s GSU will decide what to do then.




Charles, our Director of Legislative Affairs, let us know that he had been unable to hire a policy analyst due to many complications.  Since he is the DLA for next year, transition documents will be written up but done later than usual.

Motion to let the people who will be here during the summer handle all transition documents with the exception of the ones mentioned in the bylaws (to be complete by the beginning of the second half of summer classes).

Motion to amend the main motion so that the DLA can work on a GSU town hall and visits by government officials during the summer (for next year).


Main motion: Approved.


Motion to have the GSU start the process to hire election commissioners for next year ASAP.



Motion to all take a picture with Tom, put it on a piece of paper, and then sign it.



Motion to adjourn.



Meeting ended at 2:32.

Minutes from 05/31/17

Meeting started at 1:17.


Representatives present: Robert Tacker, Naia Danko, Devin Moncada, Charles Adkins, Micah Nordgren, Mia Harvey, Jasmine Wong, Rebecca Canright, Levi Campbell, Aidan Ripley, Dylan Macardican, Brandon Ellington, Adam Barttell, John Gundayao, Chun Yin Kun, Mike Espy, Jonathan Leggette, Devin Moncada, Waylon Robert.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Motion to approve Minutes



Motion to approve Agenda



Public Comments:

Kaylan Mahnke reminded us of the Golden Geoduck Awards happening on June 5th from 7pm to 8:30pm in the Longhouse.

Tom let us know that we needed to get our SLARs in to get paid for this quarter.

Jasper, from RAD Services, as well as other RAs, read us a letter explaining their demand for support from the GSU and other campus organizations. 15 RAs so far have stopped working.

Motion to endorse the Resident Assistants Fighting for Tomorrow’s Collective Demands.


Motion to write a letter of support to the RAs and have it be approved by the RAs and not the GSU.


Devin, Mia, and John volunteered to write it.



Charles let us know that the event with Judge Robart was cancelled and postponed to the Fall, same thing with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. Also let us know that him and his team are nearly done with transition documents and are excited to see the results of the Legislative Poll on the ballot.  Updated us on his ferry project.

Camille updated the team on the constituent complaint she drafted and said she hoped they would get feedback from students.

Phoebe asked us if it was possible for students to organize their own law enforcement on campus while Police Services seem to be inactive.  (It’s not.)


A.Butler Conference Funding and Geoducks@Nite Program.

The group did not approve the funding request.


WashPIRG Climate Action Campaign.

Mason Rolph asked us for our support for the college to subscribe to PSE’s Green Direct Power Program.  Will go to the President’s Office and the VP of Finance’s Office on June 6th at 10:30am to ask them to support said subscription as well.  Also asking us to support the letter that will be presented to both members of the Administration.

Motion to endorse the letter and add the GSU as a signatory to it.



Meeting adjourned at 2:38.

Agenda for 05/24 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:45 – Check-ins

2:00 – Conference funding (A. Butler)

2:15 – Geoducks@nite program (A. Butler)

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

Minutes from 05/15 – Tacoma meeting.

Meeting started: 3:05 in Tacoma.

Representatives present: Robert Tacker, Mike Espy, Phoebe (Kun Yin Chung), Jenny Whitfield, Charles Adkins, Adam Bartell, Asher Matthews, John Gundayao, Jasmine Wong, Levi Campbell, Francisco Daza, Brandon Ellington, Mia Harvey, Naia Danko, Rebecca Canright, Aidan Ripley, Devin Moncada.
Executive Director: Camille Closson.
Advisor: Tom Mercado

Motion to approve Agenda

Motion to approve the Minutes

Public Comments:
Tom invited us and any other students to the hiring panel for the next Director of Student Activities on Friday 05/19 at 11:45, Tuesday 05/23 at 11:45, and Wednesday 05/24 at 11:45. Food will be provided for students and the room is to be determined.
Beth invited us to join a town hall so students can meet with the GSU candidates this quarter. Happening Wednesday 05/17 from 12:30 to 2 on Red Square or in the Library Lobby if it rains.

Check ins:
Francisco invited us to a fundraiser this Friday 05/19 in the Longhouse from 6pm to 8pm.
John updated us on his outdoor movie night project and the meetings he is going to to make it happen.
Charles updated us on his public transportation project such as having a ferry going from Olympia to Seattle.
Jasmine let us know that her and Francisco attended the meeting that happened in CAB 301 on 05/15 afternoon and told us we needed to go to meetings like these as much as possible.
Robert thanked us for attending Anwar Leonard’s memorial ceremony.
Mia talked to us about the meeting last week and how she felt about the reception of her ideas.
Camille let the team know that Saturday 05/13 was the last Washington Student Association Board meeting of the year.

Motion to table bylaws changes to the end of the Agenda

Interviews for Executive Director for next year – 2 candidates – Executive/Closed meeting.
Motion to let the candidates know the results immediately.
Bethany Shelley has been hired as our next Executive Director for the 2017-18 year.

Bylaws changes:

Motion to amend page 18 to read “This committee shall be responsible for facilitating the quarterly Open Student Forum” (Student Interest Committee).

Motion to approve the bylaws changes

Meeting ended at 4:37.

Agenda for 05/15 – Tacoma meeting.

3:00 – Start meeting
3:05 – Approve Agenda and Minutes
3:10 – Public Comments
3:20 – Check ins
3:30 – Bylaws changes
4:10 – Executive Director Interviews (2 candidates)
4:45 – Adjourn meeting

Meeting Minutes from 05/10.

Representatives present: Alexander Butler, Brandon Ellington, Adam Bartell, Dylan Macardican, Levi Campbell, Charles Adkins, Mia Harvey, Asher Matthews, Devin Moncada, Jasmine Wong, John Gundayao, Waylon Robert, Mike Espy, Micah Nordgren, Jacques LeBlanc.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor:  Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:15.


Motion to add a discussion about the future Executive Director after “S&A Board hiring”



Motion to add discussion about our current Elections Commissioner after “Legislative Poll”.



Motion to approve the Agenda.



Motion to approve the Minutes.



Public Comments:

Jacob Schroeter, from Wildland Studies, talked to the team about the Wildland Studies programs that take students abroad.  Info Session at 4pm on 05/11 in Sem 2 C2107.

Tom talked to us about reaching out to students to be our second Elections Commissioner for week 8 and 9 of this quarter and thanked us for our work for the State Supreme Court Justices.

Arne Nelson asked us if we were going to have a public forum organized for students to meet GSU candidates for next year (we are).



Asher updated us on the formal complaint we received regarding Charles as our Director of Legislative Affairs and let us know that the person who had sent us the email has now retracted their comments and that the person who had signed the complaint giving their support has retracted their signature as well.  Case closed.

Brandon updated us on his work changing the bylaws.  Looking for more input.

Mia asked the team their opinion on how to get more diversity on the team.

Camille thanked WashPIRG for their work promoting the State Supreme Court Justices and let the team know that she would be gone week 7.

Alexander let us know the First Year Housing project was going well.

Charles  updated us on his projects of making a ferry, train, and Orca cards more available to students.  Federal Judge Robart will be coming to campus on May 31st at 2:30.


Student Forums

Motion to defer this bylaw proposal to the bylaws committee.



CEC and S&A Board hiring

Kayla Mahnke asked us for help hiring the next Clean Energy Committee members during week 8.

Asher, Devin, and Aidan volunteered.

Also need 2-3 reps to help hire the next S&A Board members.

Dylan, Adam, and Rebecca volunteered.


Executive Director hiring process:

Motion to have the entire team interview and hire the next Executive Director



Elections Banner vote:

Motion to vote on the three banner options separately.


Option 2 got picked.


Movie Night:

John and Mia: Week 9 event, Thursday June 2nd, helped by the Greeners Organization.  

Need help the day of and would like to have the GSU sponsor it.

Motion to sponsor the event.



Legislative Poll:

Charles: Needs help coming up with more questions for his Legislative Poll.

Motion to let Charles be in charge of the poll.



Elections Commissioner:

Beth has been doing the work of three people for the past six weeks.

Motion to double Beth’s pay for Spring quarter

Motion to amend the main motion and wait until Tom can do more research on whether we can pay her more or not.


Main motion:

Meeting adjourned at 2:43.

Agenda for 05/10 meeting.

1:15 – Start Meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check ins

1:45 – Student Forums for next year

1:55 – CEC Board hiring

2:05 – S&A Board hiring

2:15 – Banners (wording)

2:25 – Movie night (possible sponsoring)

2:35 – Legislative poll

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

GSU Minutes from 05/03.

Representatives present: Waylon Robert, Mia Harvey, Phoebe, Dylan Macardican, Brandon Ellington, John Gundayao, Adam Bartell, Charles Adkins, Francisco Daza, Jasmine Wong, Asher Matthews, Jonathan Leggette, Aidan Ripley, Micah Nordgren, Rebecca Canright, Mike Espy, Jacques LeBlanc, Devin Moncada, Naia Danko, Robert Tacker.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:19.


Motion to add “Discussion about the recently received email” to the Agenda, right after check ins.



Motion to add Student Forums for next year to the Agenda after Beth’s presentation.



Motion to approve the Agenda.



Motion to approve the Minutes.



Public Comments:


Mason, coordinator for TOP, coordinator of the climate action campaign for WashPIRG.  Invited us to Purce Hall number 2 tonight at 6 pm for the Olympia Climate Action Panel.

Arne, a new student at Evergreen, mentioned how he did not feel comfortable on campus.

Erik, campus organizer from WashPIRG, updated us on their volunteering efforts to promote the State Supreme Court Justices coming to campus.




Waylon told us his project about trash cans in the woods is coming along nicely.  He also told us about how we all need to promote the State Supreme Court Justices more.

John updated us on his and Mia’s projects.  Community hangout, relaxing day.

Brandon let us know his budget was ready and he was presenting to the S&A Board today at 4:30.

Phoebe updated us on the first Student Forum Committee meeting this past Friday.  Will have weekly meetings 3-4 on Fridays in the corner of the library lobby, in front of First People’s.

Charles let us know Federal Judge Robart could come by on May 31st 2:30pm.  Public event that we can hold on campus.  Q&A after his remarks.

Motion to reimburse him for gas to get here and back.


Still working on having the congresswoman come here.  Also looking for help to review his legislative poll.


Discussion about the email:


Complaint received from a WSA Legislative Liaison

Motion to let Asher have authority to investigate the matter on GSU’s behalf, with GSU’s input.



GSU Table Banner:


Motion to approve the bottom left option.



Student Forums for next year:


Proposal to have Student Forums every quarter next year.  For it to be in our bylaws.  It is the GSU’s job to organize Student Forums.


Motion to table this matter to next week’s Agenda.



Vans for WSA and Tacoma:


Motion to approve the rental of a Motor pool van for the WSA General Assembly meeting on 05/13.



Motion to leave for Tacoma on May 16th at 12:30 instead of 3.



Motion to pay for the van for a day.



Policy Analyst position:


Adam, Francisco, and Mia will help Charles hire the next Policy Analyst.
Meeting ended at 2:40.

GSU Agenda for 05/03 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:50 – GSU Banners and app (election commissioner Beth S.)

2:20 – Van for WSA meeting

2:30 – Van for Tacoma meeting

2:40 – Policy Analyst position

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

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