The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 5 of 17)

State Supreme Court Justices on campus, May 8th and 9th!

Hello there fellow Greeners!

The State Supreme Court Justices are coming to the Olympia campus for the first time in our history so get ready to see flyers and announcements popping up everywhere soon!

They will be here May 8th and 9th and will be hearing three cases on the 9th (two of them in the a.m, the last one in the p.m.)

Join us in welcoming them here!

(This event was made possible and is sponsored by the Gʷídəq Student Union.)

Meeting minutes from 04/26.

Meeting started at 1:18.


Representatives present: Charles Adkins, Jacques LeBlanc, John Gundayao, Levi Campbell, Mia Harvey, Aidan Ripley, Rebecca Canright, Asher Matthews, Brandon Ellington, Phoebe, Waylon Robert, Jenny Whitfield, Francisco Daza, Jasmine Wong, Adam Bartell, Robert Tacker, Merrill Williams.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Motion to add Director of Legislative Affairs selection to the Agenda after project check-ins.



Motion to approve Agenda.



Motion to approve Minutes.



Public Comments:

Tom reminded us that our SLARs are due today.

Also talked to us about the State Supreme Court Justices coming to campus on May 8th and 9th.



Asher let the team know that he is giving his spot for the luncheon with the Justices to the next person in line, Camille (he got randomly picked to go as part of the S&A Board).

Mia updated us on how the Power of One Conference went.  Also let us know about wanting to invite Black Trans Magic to the Olympia campus.

Motion to add discussion and possible vote about bringing the group to the Olympia campus to the Agenda.


Camille talked about promoting the State Supreme Court Justices coming to the Olympia campus on the GSU’s social media outlets.  Also asked the GSU about who wanted to go to the WSA meeting on 05/13.  Asked the team about what to tell Wendy during the Leadership’s meeting with her on 04/28.

Rebecca asked the team permission to leave at 2:15.

Jacques talked about a project for a safe-sex vending machine supplying condoms ect..

Charles updated us on who he has been meeting with to bring speakers to the Olympia campus.

Jenny talked to us about events sponsored by the TQC.

Phoebe talked to us about the Student Forum organizing committee meeting on Friday at 3 pm in Student Activities, if anybody is interested in joining the meetings.  Also updated us on her work for international programs.

Waylon updated us on his project with Jacques to put trash cans in the woods.  They are going to start meeting with the administration.  Updated us on fundraising for the unpaid internship fund.

Jasmine told us about a BBQ organized by All God’s People on 4/27 at 5 pm by the HCC.


Survey concerning Police Services (Ballot language proposal)


Survey to get more student input on the Campus Police Department.

Motion to table this Agenda item until the survey contains an “identity question”.



Projet check-ins


John: Community Building Day, possibly week 9, working on organizing it.

Levi: Interested in working with John and Mia on the Community Building Day + Student Forum Committee.

Mia: Worked on Lobby Day, Power of One Conference, now working on Community Building Day, possibly bringing Black Trans Magic to the Olympia campus.

Aidan: Worked with the Climate Action Plan petitions + willing to help Waylon and Jacques with trash cans in the woods.

Rebecca: Working on the petitions mentioned above and working on increased sustainability.  Capitol + WashPIRG campaigns + working with foodbank and wildlife conservation groups.

Brandon: Worked on our budget for next year.  Presenting to the S&A Board soon.  Also on the bylaws committee.  Is still looking for ways to keep ourselves accountable.

Phoebe: Working on increasing outreach in between TESC and schools in other countries + increasing study abroad programs + Starting the Student Forum organizing committee + Green wall art project.

Waylon: Talked about maybe having the Student Trustee or Chair of the Board of Trustees to be at the Student Forum + working on trash cans in the woods + safe-sex machine + unpaid internship fund.

Jenny: Week 6 – Queer and Trans week (events all week – spoken word, panels..) + First Lavender graduation ever (June 14th).

Francisco: Tables for a new multi-ethnic group on campus, willing to help with the trash cans project.

Jasmine: Also helps table for new group + creating events for it too.

Merrill: Working on bringing TriO to the Tacoma campus + Tacoma bus passes with Charles.

Adam: Willing to help with trash cans project.

Charles: Working on getting a Fast Ferry from Olympia to Seattle + expanding sounder train down to Lacey + ORCA cards for Tacoma students and opt-in program for Olympia students.

Jacques: Trash cans project, safe-sex machine, unpaid internship fund, willing to help anybody who needs help.

Asher: Helped with unpaid internship fund, willing to help with safe-sex machine.


Brandon offered that we become more digital.  Possibly start an  Icon on the evergreen main page?  Advertise through Facebook?  Promote the page?

Motion to give Asher permission to start an



Director of Legislative Affairs selection:


Motion to suspend the bylaws.



Motion to reappoint Charles Adkins as our DLA for next year.



Motion to reinstate the bylaws.



Mia’s discussion for inviting Black Trans Magic.


Motion to ask Charles to ask Rep. Jayapal if inviting Black Trans Magic to campus at the same time as she is here is alright.

Motion to amend to make it so both events can happen on the same day, around the same time, but without being the same event (following FEC regulations).


Motion to change the first motion to reflect the amended language.


Main motion (amended) approved.


Historian election:


Motion to have Brandon be our Historian.



Meeting ended at 2:47.


Agenda for 04/26 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:45 – Survey concerning Police Services (Ballot language proposal)

1:55 – Projects check-ins.

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

GSU Minutes 04/19.

Reps:  Dylan Macardican, Adam Bartell, Brandon Ellington, John Gundayao, Micah Nordgren, Jenny Whitfield, Jonathan Leggette, Merrill Williams, Mia Harvey, Asher Matthews, Charles Adkins, Waylon Robert, Mike Espy, Robert Tacker, Jacques LeBlanc, Rebecca Canright, Alexander Butler, Phoebe.


Meeting started at 1:15.


Motion to approve Agenda.



Motion to approve Minutes.



Public Comments:

A student came to the GSU to voice their disappointment in the team’s work, disrespect of deadlines, unjustified pay raises, not be involved enough, and the lack of representation the students have gotten.

Levi Campbell, a representative who was unable to attend in the Winter due to an official leave of absence, asked the team to vote him back on.

Motion to reinstate him.




John updated us on his and Mia’s project and meetings.

Brandon reminded us on when our budget was going in front of the S&A Board.  Also mentioned how we need to have a discussion about that student’s comments and how we should talk about our projects next week.  He also mentioned how we needed to figure something out to reduce paper waste.

Charles told us about how the closed event with Attorney General Bob Ferguson went really well.  He also talked about how certain bills that we worked on with the Washington Student Association are being signed.  

Waylon told us about how Jacques and him would start getting trashcans installed along the trails.  He also updated us on his work towards the internship fund.  

Mia echoed the student’s comments and the team’s lack of visibility and involvement on campus and about how the Power of One Conference starts tomorrow.

Asher updated the team on the latest WSA Board Meeting and how Western Washington University’s Residential Assistants are underpaid, overworked, and unsafe on their own campus and in the workplace.

Camille mentioned how Western Washington University also has a list of demands the team could endorse.  Will email the list out for possible endorsement next week.  Also talked about how some reps have not had any projects for the past one to two quarters even though students have come to the team for help with projects.


Student Trustee Applications:

Tom Mercado reminded us on the process of picking the Student trustees applications we need to send off to the Governor’s Office.

We received one late application and five other applications turned in on time.

Discussion on whether or not to accept the late application.

Motion to refuse the late application and accept the five applications that were on time.



Motion to send the five applications as is with no committee or team review.



Naia absent, item postponed.


Civic Engagement Events:

May and June – 2 more events.

  1. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, first Indian American congresswoman.  Creator of OneAmerica.

Motion to let Charles organize it.

Motion to amend the motion in order to invite the congresswoman to campus for a small or large event, with the intention of a large event.

Amendment approved.

Main motion approved.


2) Federal judge James Robart who granted Bob Ferguson’s motion against the executive order for the travel ban.

Motion to let Charles organize it with preference towards a large event but at his discretion.



Bylaw changes:

Motion to approve all bylaw changes.



Proposal to attach Police Services Community Review Board survey to the GSU election:

No ballot language ready, student will come back when language is ready to be approved or denied.


Gas mileage:

Motion to reimburse Aaron Sauerhoff’s gas mileage ($230).



State Supreme Court Justices  luncheon:

CEC, Tacoma program, three programs, S&A Board, GSU.

Who should represent the GSU at the luncheon on May 8th from 12 to 1:30?

Motion that the Speaker be included in the luncheon.



Jacques and Alexander picked at random to go.

Camille and Mike as replacements if needed.


Motion to go to Tacoma on May 16th at 3pm.



Meeting adjourned at 2:52.

Agenda for 04/19 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check ins

1:45 – Student Trustee Applications (Tom Mercado).

2:15 – Naia Danko.

2:25- Civic Engagement events (Charles Adkins).

2:30 – Bylaws changes (Asher Matthews).

2:40 – Proposal to attach Police Services Community Review Board survey to Geoduck Student Union election.

2:50 – Gas mileage reimbursement

2:55 – State Supreme Court Justices luncheon

3:00 – End Meeting

Minutes from 03/15.

Representatives present: Alexander Butler, Brandon Ellington, Charles Adkins, John Gundayao, Francisco Daza, Rebecca Canright, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Devin Moncada, Kin Yun Chung, Jonathan Leggette, Waylon Robert, Micah Nordgren, Aidan Ripley, Jenny Whitfield, Adam Bartell, Naia Danko.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:24


Motion to add Budget to after Lobby Day


Motion to add Bylaws changes to after the last agenda item



Motion to approve Agenda with changes



Motion to approve Minutes



No public comments



Camille asked who would like to volunteer for the student forum committee

Rebecca for student forum committee.

Mac talked about a software the GSU used to have (legacy google doc).

Phoebe updated us on her work for the student forum and also let us know that she wanted to create a survey for study abroad.

Charles gave us an update on the attorney general briefly coming to campus on the 24th of April as well as a legislative update.

John talked to us about his meeting with Doctor Kelly Brown.

Devin let us know that his historian report was nearly done.

Waylon updated us on his meetings for the endowment.


Lobby Day

March 22nd from 10 to 5 at the Capitol.  2 hours blocks.  12-1 lunch session in the Dome Deli.  Will have an hour long prepping meeting on the 22nd before going to the lobby day starts.  Mac,Rebecca, Camille, and Waylon interested to go.



Motion to plan an event in Fall quarter “GSU Fall Convention”


Motion to allow Brandon to keep working on the budget and submit it to the S&A Board.




Beth let us know about the election results:

The GSU Fee was approved, so was WashPIRG’s.

Immigrant Support, Relocation of the Evergreen Archives, and the Wellness Center Poll have been approved as well.

She also let us know that candidacy forms for Spring elections are now available.

Motion to approve the election results



Campus petition to prioritize carbon reduction

Diems from Greener Futures showed us drafts of a petition to give the administration, showing them that they need to prioritize carbon reduction so they can reach their 2020 goal.

Motion to endorse the petition and its goal.



Naia called in and let us know that she had resigned from the parking infraction committee.


Meeting week 1.

Motion to not have a meeting during week 1.



Tacoma trip.

Tentative date of May 16th.

Will be voted on, week 2 of Spring.



Motion to remove the word “also” from the sentence “GSU representatives also exist to serve the student body at-large”.



Motion to approve the changes to the bylaws



Adjourned at 2:24

Agenda for 03/15.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:45 – Lobby Day

2:00 – Elections (Results and future)

2:15 – Student forum volunteers

2:30 – Meeting week 1

2:40 – Tacoma trips in Spring

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

Minutes from 03/08/17.

Representatives present: Asher Matthews, Devin Moncada, Phoebe, Mike Espy, Adam Bartell, Alexander Butler, John Gundayao, Jasmine Wong, Francisco Daza, Charles Adkins, Brandon Ellington, Jenny Whitfield, Aidan Ripley, Rebecca Canright, Jacques LeBlanc, Waylon Robert, Mia Harvey.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Advisor: Tom Mercado.


Meeting started at 1:19.


Motion to approve the Agenda.

Motion to add Ben Huff to the Agenda.


Motion to add the Attorney General’s visit to the Agenda.


Agenda approved.


Motion to approve Minutes.



Public Comments





Alexander talked to us about the first year housing design committee. Starting in April, he will be participating in biweekly meetings for that committee and will therefore miss half the GSU meetings.

Charles talked about the state mushroom bill being on the floor and up for vote today. Is also working on another lobby day.

Asher talked about the Bias Incident Response Team’s campus wide email about the Jewish student who had a swastika drawn on the whiteboard on their dorm room.

John scheduled a meeting with Dr Kelly Brown and invited other reps to join him.

Waylon updated the team on the unpaid internships endowment.




Brandon gave everybody updated copies of the budget for next year. There are two submissions, one in the event that we get the GSU fee, one in the event that we do not.  Mentioned the interim Executive Director who works during the summer.


Motion to have Brandon submit the budget to the S&A Board when approved by the team by week ten’s meeting.



Student Forum


Molly Pumphrey talked to us about having a student forum organised on campus. She had a conversation with Wendy Endress about ideas:

  • Open forum. Inviting all the students. Creating a space to talk about Evergreen.
  • Sitting in the CAB or the Library a few hours at a time to promote the forum.
  • Having it be student led, with no faculty.

Phoebe volunteered to help.


Motion to create a subcommittee for this forum next quarter.



Ben Huff, our WSA liaison, gave us a legislative update


Attorney general’s visit on campus.


Will be coming on April 24th to meet with the GSU and hopefully two programs.

Motion to have him speak to the GSU and two other programs on the 24th of April from 2-3.



Will not be a public meeting and still needs to be fully organised.


Election Commissioners’ Banners


Beth proposed different options to the team for different banners.

Also talked about the health initiative running longer than the current elections.

Would have to pay $25/month for the survey.


Motion to have the surveymonkey fee come out of our budget for two months.



Phoebe’s banner idea


Promoting our weekly meetings.


Motion to approve the banner to promote our weekly meetings.

Meeting adjourned at 2:47.

Agenda or 03/08.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check ins

1:50 – Budget

2:15 – Student Forum

2:30 – Banners

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

Student Trustee application for 2017-18 academic year!

Interested in becoming Student Trustee for the 2017-18 academic year?
Well, now is the time to fill out applications!

This is an opportunity to be appointed by the Governor of Washington to be part of our Board of Trustees!
“The Board of Trustees directs Evergreen into the future, initiates policy and delegates authority to the president, who reports to the Board. The Board of Trustees meetings are open to the public. The Governor of Washington appoints seven of the members from the external community and alumni, and the eighth member is a student chosen by the governor from a group of nominees selected by campus peers” (



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