The Geoduck Student Union

Student Government at The Evergreen State College

Category: Meeting Minutes (page 8 of 17)

Minutes from 11/30 meeting.

Started at 1:15

Representatives present: Aidan Ripley, Brandon Ellington, Kun Yin Chung, Devin Moncada, Adam Bartell, Dylan Macardican, Mike Espy, Chris Tufts.

Director of Legislative Affairs: Charles Adkins.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Mac Chair.

Motion to move Roll-Call to after Colleen Rust.


Motion to approve Agenda.


Motion to approve the minutes.


Public Comments:

WashPIRG updated us on their campaigns.

Tom invited us to the student leaders holiday brunch next week.

About 19% of the student body has voted already for the GSU’s elections.


Reminder that Mac, Asher, Brandon, and Camille are meeting with President Bridges at 2.

Colleen Rust, Director of  Government Relations for TESC.

Discussing positions for the WSA liaison, the DLA and their committee.

Alexander arrives at 1:52.

Brandon, Mac, and Camille leave at 1:55.

Devin as Chair.

Alexander talked about his personal projects with the Flaming Eggplant and the all gendered bathrooms in Seminar II.

He also talked to us about some Tacoma students’ solar project.

Motion to approve the endorsement.


Motion to adjourn.


Meeting ended at 2:30.

Agenda for 11/30.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Approve Agenda and Minutes

1:25 – Public Comments

1:35 – Check-ins

1:45 – Colleen Rust

2:00 – All-gendered bathrooms in Sem II

2:15 – Flaming Eggplant

2:25 – Solar project endorsement?

2:40 – Roll-Call Bylaws Committee.

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.

Meeting minutes from the 11/16 Tacoma trip.

Started at 3:05

Representatives present: Naia Danko, Waylon Robert, Mike Espy, Aidan Ripley, Kun Yin Chung, Brandon Ellington, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Adam Bartell, Charles Adkins + DLA committee.
Executive Director: Camille Closson

Asher as Chair.

Motion to approve Agenda

Motion to approve minutes from 11/09 meeting

Public comments:
Ralpha Parker and Robert Tacker from the Tacoma campus introduced themselves.

Tom reminded us that the SLARS are due today.
Waylon talked to us about the meetings he had concerning endowments for unpaid internships.
Camille talked about upcoming meetings with Wendy Endress and George Bridges.

Bylaws discussion
Reviewing/discussing possible additions written up by Charles Adkins
Motion to take item ii. off the slate
Motion to add item v. to the bylaws
Motion to add item i. to the bylaws
Motion to add item iii. To the bylaws
Motion to make amendments that “the committee can raise any additional funds it needs from other sources but it needs to be vetted by the GSU before solicitation and the legislative committee’s budget shall be open to inspection by the GSU at any time”.
Motion to add item iv. To bylaws
WSA legislative liaison
Motion to approve it
Motion to nominate Benjamin Huff

Board of Trustees liaison.
GSU rep would not be a voting member but would sit at the table. Have to leave the room whenever there is a contract discussion. Same as faculty liaison.
Mac, Waylon, Asher running.
Motion to appoint Mac

Faculty liaison.
Motion to appoint Mac.

Official Statement.
Motion to approve official statement with amendments.

Committee nominations
Motion to put Annie Sloan on committee.
Motion to put Ky O’Dell on committee.

Motion to adjourn.

Ends at 4:32.

Agenda for 11/16 Tacoma trip.

3:00 – Start meeting

3:05 – Approve Agenda and 11/09 minutes

3:10 – Public Comments

3:25 – Check-ins

3:40 – Bylaws discussion

4:15 – Student for Board Of Trustees

4:30 – Official Statement

5:00 – Adjourn meeting

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Meeting Minutes for 11/09/16 meeting

Naia Danko, Alexander Butler, Chris Tufts, Mike Espy, Adam Bartell, Aidan Ripley, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Brandon Ellington, Charles Adkins, Devin Moncada, Kun Yin Chung, Waylon Robert.

Executive Director: Camille Closson

Meeting started at 1:17.

Motion to put WashPIRG photo-op right after check-in


Motion to move student forum after WashPIRG photo-op


Motion to approve the agenda


Motion to approve the 11/02 minutes


No Public Comments

Check ins:

Chris talked about the bylaws committee.  Devin offered to take it over.

Camille reminded the group that she was the point of contact for scheduling meetings with the administration.  + Going through CMS training to put recordings online.

Dylan talked about the Tacoma trip being next week (reminder) + we have 19 people running for reps for Winter and Spring.

WashPIRG photo-op.

Student Forum Idea, M. Pumfrey.

Looking for GSU endorsement for an open forum.  GSU would be organizing it mainly.

Dylan offered to help.

Appointment of DLA committee members.

Three applicants.

Motion to vote on placing all 3 on the committee.


Collin, Kai-Ave, and Michael are on the committee.

Bylaws and discussion.

Motion to amend Section C, subsection b.


Motion to vote on revisions as a whole, including stipend

Amend and take stipend out.

Amend Article Three section E, subsection b.  Head of Legislative Liaison  + get rid of ability to speak.

Second amendment Approved


Motion to approve stipend


Motion to table this and talk about it another day.



Asking endorsement for upcoming planning meeting.

Motion to endorse.


WSA van.

Motion to approve.


Student Board Of Trustees.

Motion to table to next week.


Tacoma trip.

3 to 5 on 11/16.

Motion to get a van.


Motion to adjourn.


End at 2:56

Agenda for 11/09 meeting.

11/09 meeting.

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Appoint Chair

1:25 – Approve Agenda and 11/02 Minutes

1:30 – Public Comments

1:40 – Check Ins

1:45 – Appointment of DLA committee members

1:55 – WashPIRG photo-op

2:10 – Bylaws discussion

2:20 – Endowments

2:25 – WSA van

2:30 – Student for Board of Trustees

2:40 – Tacoma trip

2:50 – Student Forum Idea (M. Pumfrey)

3:00 – Adjourn meeting.


Meeting minutes 11/02/16.

GSU minutes 11/02/16

Reps present: Adam Bartell, Devin Moncada, Naia Danko, Alexander Butler, Chris Tufts, Mike Espy, Waylon Robert, Charles Adkins, Dylan Macardican, Asher Matthews, Aidan Ripley, Brandon Ellington, Kun Yin Chung.

Executive Director: Camille Closson.

Meeting starts at 1:16

Asher Chair.

Motion to put WASHPIRG before bylaws.


Motion to approve the agenda.


Motion to approve the minutes.


Public Comments:

No public comments.


Alexander talked to us about the Flaming Eggplant’s survey on greener commonsconcerning accepting credit/debit cards.

Camille talked about students worried about the work they are asked to put in during their ILC at the writing center + workgroup still looking for students.

Naia talked about the parking committee that happens 1-3 at the same time as GSU.

Charles would like to appoint two people for the legislative committee.  

Motion to appoint them for a week.  



Group picture with GSU for antibiotics and bees campaign?  Photo-op next wednesday?

Motion to approve to endorse the measures and photo-op.


Bylaws and DLA position description:

Motion to take a 5 minute break to read over original and amendments.


Motion to have a sub-committee looking through the bylaws this weekend.


Amending: sub-committee for bylaws for a month.


Volunteers: Chris, Devin, Charles, Waylon, Brandon, Dylan, Aidan, Asher.

Motion to have discussion next week.  AGENDA.


Motion to postpone to next week.


Endowment (W. Robert and A. Matthews).

Unpaid internships stipends.

President’s fundraising.

Endorsement from GSU so go meet with Development.

Motion to have discussion/possible endorsement postponed to next week so edits can be made.

Naia leaves at 2:38.


Motion to adjourn.


Meeting over at 2:41.

Committees 16-17.

Governance Descriptions for 2016-17 GSU specific

Governance Cheat Sheet 16-17 GSU

GSU Agenda for 11/02/16

1:15 – Start meeting

1:20 – Appoint Chair

1:25 – Approve Agenda and Minutes from 10/26

1:30 – Public Comments

1:40 – Check ins

1:50 – Bylaws and DLA position description

2:30 – WashPIRG

2:40 – Endowment (W. Robert and A. Matthews)

3:00 – Adjourn meeting

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