Category Archives: Session Notes

First Impressions Audio

So far learning in the studio has been somewhat intimidating. I still do not fully understand most of the internal signal routing or the work on protools. However, the more hands on experience I have the more comfortable I am in the studio and I am getting the hang of headphone mixes, cues, talk-back, and protools basics.

First Impressions

Having spent many hours in a recording studio many years ago, the basics seem to be relatively the same but the vernacular has changed some. Each studio and console has it’s own geography and labeling system for things, echo sends for effects sends. Hopefully my memory will serve me well enough to retain the new words vs. continually translating the old ones.

Gota get your hands dirty

I have noticed, in this class more than others, that physical application is absolutely crucial to learning. I can look and hear all day about what i need to do while recording, and maybe if I’m lucky remember that 20 minutes from then. But when i get to sit down in that audio throne and hit those little buttons is when theory becomes practice.