Studio Time!!!

Who knew that there was so much involved in music recording? I think that the end-user is being fed a superbly high-tech way to do some very complicated stuff. I feel like a lot of the knowledge is nostalgic, but learning the 1608 mixer has helped me to understand how the signals are actually moved […]

Gota get your hands dirty

I have noticed, in this class more than others, that physical application is absolutely crucial to learning. I can look and hear all day about what i need to do while recording, and maybe if I’m lucky remember that 20 minutes from then. But when i get to sit down in that audio throne and hit those little buttons is when theory becomes practice.

Intro to Audio Winter Final Project – Crack House

I was able to record this cool, new, local (Olympia) band called Crack House. They were a fun group. My partner, Ryan, and I had a bit of trouble with Digital Performer (what’s new?), but figured it out and go to recording. Unfortunately, we novices of the studio and Toft mixing board couldn’t figure out how to send the vocalist’s voice to her headphones. We were also running out of time, and so were only able to record them all playing simultaneously. Ryan and I then each mixed our own versions of our vision of what the song should sound like.


This is the guitarist’s Soundcloud


And this link is to the vocalist’s Soundcloud