Julie Russo

I’m a humanities-oriented media scholar with a focus on television, popular entertainment, science fiction, digital media, cyberculture, remix video, and queer female fan communities. Pedagogically, I am committed to fostering critical skills and practices that center power, privilege, and difference at the intersections of gender, sexuality, race, disability, and class. At Evergreen, I teach approximately every second year in the media arts/studies foundation program Mediaworks. You can find information about my other interdisciplinary offerings in the past and future on my faculty page.

I can support a very limited number of Independent Learning Contracts (ILCs) and Internships related to the above areas of interest and expertise, with preference given to queer/trans* studies projects and to students who I’ve already worked with in programs. I don’t have a background in media arts, but I’m gaining experience in this field and sometimes take production contracts if the student has prior training from Mediaworks or a comparable curriculum.

For all students, you need to have significant experience (at least one year) doing college research and writing in relevant disciplines for me to consider sponsoring an ILC with you. For Internships, you should be able to explain what academic learning the opportunity offers. When approaching me about working with you, please have a draft of your contract completed in the online system so that I know you have thought about your learning objectives, activities, and outcomes thoroughly. Each 4 credits comes with the expectation of 10 hours of work per week, and to finalize a contract you will be expected to write a syllabus/timeline of research, reading, writing, and/or creative practice that reflects this.