Serve People Good Food.

Get to know the inner workings of your student cafe.

Gain experience in Food services.

Contribute to Organic, Just, and Healthy food on Campus.

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11:00am-3:00pm

The Eggplant is soliciting Volunteers to work a short ‘runner’ shift during our busiest hours: Gain hands-on experience working in food services, promote healthy/ethical food at Evergreen, and learn how our student run Flaming Eggplant café works.  This position will run from 11:00am to 3:00 pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Volunteers are asked to commit to a minimum of one day a week of shift work for 5 weeks or till the end of the academic quarter.

Hard copies of this application are available outside the cafe in the Eggplant Outreach Corner. Please Drop off completed applications at our office (CAB 201)

Please email: if you have any questions.