Baseline wildlife surveys on Fort Lewis have been conducted since 2006.  Surveys specifically looking for raptor nests began in 1994, resulting in the identification of 92 nesting territories.  The majority of the survey methods included visually sighting nests during foot and vehicle surveys and listening for wildlife vocalizations.

The purpose of this project is to collect data on the location of special wildlife concerns, which will be incorporated into the Fort Lewis timber sale design and implementation so as to avoid impacts to sensitive and rare species.  The primary objectives are to update existing data of wildlife areas of interest and add areas of protection on Fort Lewis.  The goal will be to survey timber sales not covered in previous surveys. The design of the project will depend on funding levels available for the project.  If funds are limited, the project will involve surveying the timber sales that are currently marked.

Planned Work

Survey Fort Lewis timber sales for special wildlife concerns

Survey for all potential wildlife concerns on Fort Lewis timber sales including, raptor nests, western gray squirrel nests, wildlife cavity trees (snags), bat roosts, rare plant species, and wetlands. Areas will be identified and marked or flagged with appropriate material.  Nest sites, cavities (snags), and rare plants will be incorporated into the Fort Lewis Geographic Information System (GIS).  Surveys will be conducted during the active nesting period of resident raptors between March and September. Prepare a final report to include methodology, results, maps, and habitat descriptions of nest sites.


Students shall provide the following services to Fort Lewis:

  1. A final report with comments incorporated will be submitted at the end of the quarter.
  2. Submit completed ArcGIS data set of nest locations, cavity trees, rare plants, species sightings, wetlands etc… to Fort Lewis for incorporation into the Natural Resources database (WGS 84, 10 North)


John Richardson

JBLM Fish and Wildlife Program (VERSAR)
