Green Greetings! EverGreeners.

Time for another meaningful ACTION DAY in April!

The South Sound Green Tour
Inspiration · Education · Solutions
Saturday and Sunday
April 16 & 17  ·  10am – 4pm

@ LOTT Alliance Building
500 Adams St. NE Olympia

Okay, so it’s actually two days.

The South Sound Green Tour is a community-wide educational event to showcase the greenest homes and buildings in the South Sound!  Help them show off 20 inspiring Sites, put on over 50 Workshops, offer up Green Transit Choices, throw a Party and more!  They’re expecting thousands of people to participate, learn and examine their assumptions!

So they need 100 volunteers to pull off the Event.  There are several ways you can help and make a difference:
–      on ACTION DAY (4/16 & 4/17)
–      and/or before the event (now – April 15)

Internships and More:  The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild offers a variety of volunteer and internship opportunities for Evergreen Students (find several positions available on CODA).  In addition to the volunteer opportunities listed below, the Guild is now seeking an intern or workstudy student interested in Transportation – Lead Organizer of the “Going Green Transit Choices Hub” sponsored for the Tour by InterCity Transit.  They are also holding Workparties every Saturday this Spring at their property 911 Adams St. (next to Fertile Ground) in downtown Olympia.  Check it at

Please note, all Action Day Volunteers must sign up and attend a training (e.g. April 11 training on campus).

Visit their Website www.SouthSoundGreenTour.organd click the yellow Volunteer Button.  Fill out the form, and they will send an invitation to the Volunteer party March 31!

For more information contact:

Chris van Daalen, Education Coordinator
South Sound Chapter, NW EcoBuilding Guild
(360) 789-9669
See our NEW Website: