Pinnacles National Monument, a National Park Service unit (URL:, is looking for part-time or full-time interns (20 -40 hours per week) to assist with monitoring California condors (Gymnogyps californianus). The primary duties of the intern will be: 1.) Tracking, monitoring and recording condormovements, behaviors and interactions. 2.) Communicating with park visitors and local community members. 3.) Observing and recording feeding observations at supplemental feeding sites. 4) Monitoring breeding behavior and nests. Thisinternship will

require: a great attention to detail, the ability to work as part of a team as well as independently, an interest in talking with the public, the ability to hike up to 10 miles on steep and rugged terrain carrying

40+ lbs of equipment, a tolerance for summer temperatures that exceed

100 degrees, a sense of humor and a great deal of patience. The intern will also assist in other natural resource management projects as needed. Benefits include: working in the outdoors at a national park unit, hands-on experience working with an endangered species, and learning wildlife monitoring and management techniques. Part-time interns (20 hrs/wk) will receive $550/month, while full-time interns will receive $1100/month. Housing is not available.Requirements: A valid driver’s license and an interest in protecting an endangered species. This is a 6-month internship for candidates in the local commuting area, no housing is provided. The position will begin late spring2011. Interested applicants should send a cover letter that specifies available start date, resume, and contact information (email addresses and phone numbers) for 3 references to (EM:, by 15 Apr 2011. Applications will be reviewed as received. Please write “Internship Application” in the subject line and send all application components as a single attachment using the following naming format: FirstName_LastName_Internship_Application