
The GIS Analyst/Field Botanist will be assisting the Oregon Biodiversity Information Center (ORBIC) with field sampling of vascular plants in eastern Oregon. In addition, species of cultural significance will be mapped. Majorproducts of the project will be: 1) Field-based estimate of vegetation change from 2002 to 2011; 2) New base vegetation map; 3) Remotely-sensed mapped change since 2002; 4) Species distribution models for culturally significant plants.

Project Description

In 2002, ORBIC developed a vegetation map for the Pine Creek Conservation Area. The map showed the distribution of western juniper, native grasslands, sagebrush and weed dominated areas at the site. In the 8 years since the map was made, a series of management actions, including juniper clearing, prescribed fires, and riparian restoration activities have significantly changed the vegetation at the site. To assess changes, ORBIC will revisit the sites from 2002 to resample the current vegetation and update the vegetation map for the site. In addition, ORBIC will survey culturally significant plant species and create species distribution models for a few of these.


The project takes place in a 45,000 acre site near Fossil, Oregon. Access to the site requires 4WD vehicles or ATVs. Applicant must be able to traverse tough terrain and work outside in potentially harsh (dry, hot, and exposed) conditions for eight or ten hour days. Skills with map reading and navigation and driving on unpaved roads will be helpful.

Start Date: 5/16/2011

End Date: 7/8/2011