Occupational Intern-Office of Sustainability

15-19 hr/wk; Salary: $11.47 – $14.70 Hourly

The City of Tacoma’s Office of Sustainability is seeking to hire part-time interns to provide support to the City of Tacoma’s Sustainability Managers, Green Team, and subcommittees through research and development of sustainability policies, guidelines, and practices. Assist the city in achieving its sustainability goals and implement the 2008 Climate Action Plan strategies.

General tasks of these part-time positions (15-19) hours week for 6 months) include:

  • Assist in the implementaion of Sustainable Purchasing Policy, procedures, and guidelines.
  • Research and development of Energy, Fuel, Waste, and Paper Reduction Programs and Campaigns. This may include office space monitoring and reporting on employee reduction habits, Department competitions, sustainability tips, guest speakers, and other conservation and outreach materials.
  • Develop and maintain Sustainability internet and intranet pages.
  • Work with Human Resources to develop sustainability training.
  • Perform data gathering, entry and reporting.
  • Gather date on City’s resource consumption including energy, fuel, water, and paper usage.

Educational Benefits:
Educational benefits to be derived by students in this job include: team work; research; enhanced computer skills; public speaking and employability skills.

Hours and Terms of the Position:
The hours for this position are 15-19 hours per week (flexible based on student’s schedule) with the days of the week being negotiable.