Marketing Intern; Natural Resources Youth Camp

The Marketing Intern will manage all aspects of marketing related to Natural Resources Youth Camp. The main projects will include: reviewing current marketing efforts for sponsors and advertising and establishing an Alumni Network and a Marketing Plan to pursue other advertising methods and funding sources. The Marketing Intern will attend all scheduled meetings within the quarter and provide the board with updates and receive feedback on progress.

Tasks will include, but are not limited to:

  • Contacting potential sponsors via in person and phone contacts to solicit funds for NRYC camper scholarships and programs.
  • Creation of an Alumni Network for past instructors, campers, counselors and staff (18+) to get involved in camp (volunteering, teaching LBD’s, sponsoring campers, etc.)
  • Creation of Alumni Scholarship Fund for alumni to donate money for campers. To be set up in donation levels, where alumni can earn different beads based on their level of donation (and years of donation). By starting up the program, Alumni will receive traditional camp name tags made by campers, to hold their symbols of donation and commitment.
  • Research new funding sources for NRYC (grants, sponsors, fundraising, etc.)
  • Evaluate NRYC’s current marketing program and provide feedback on how to improve.
  • Create an evaluation tool to track the various marketing efforts.
  • Create an NRYC “Wish List” to market to sponsors for item donations.
  • Establish a complete NRYC Marketing Handbook to incorporate the above tasks and a future marketing plan.
  • Provide web designer with website essential elements to complement marketing strategy.
  • Improve and monitor marketing NRYC through social media websites (i.e. Facebook).
  • Develop a strategy and materials for marketing within the public school system.


The Natural Resources Youth Camp Meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month from 2:00PM to 4:00PM at the Thurston Conservation District office: 2918 Ferguson St SW, Ste A Tumwater WA 98512. Scheduled Meetings (subject to change): March 10 (optional), April 14, May 12 and June 9.


Students who are interested, and would like assistance in contract development, should contact:


Jim Freed

Washington State University

Natural Resources Extension Professor
