Legislative Intern with Hydrovolt

Vast potential for hydrokinetic power exists in Washington State.  However, due to existing legislation and the infancy of hydrokinetic projects, several barriers to dissemination exist.

Hydrovolts is a clean tech renewable energy company in Seattle seeking an intern to assist with research on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) process and The Washington Clean Energy Initiative/Renewable Energy Initiative 937.  Intern will learn how to analyze government regulations and provide guidance to promote clean tech renewable energy.


We would like assistance with the following tasks:

1) Develop an inventory of all pertinent Washington State legislation which could help Hydrovolts if it was modified to include hydrokinetic power.

2) Within each bill, identify the specific section which needs to be amended and suggest language to amend it.

3) Identify champions for each bill and contact their staff to ask for guidance how we can suggest amendments.

4) Prepare criteria for feasibility of amendment and rank the opportunities.



Intern will work with Hydrovolts staff members in Seattle’s Sodo District.

Hours negotiable

Hydrovolts will help intern obtain course credit

Contact: Michelle Holmes , michelle@hydrovolts.com; 206-658-4380

h Hydrovolt