Research Assistant – Sea turtles – Florida Atlantic University Florida

Background Information

The Southeast National Marine Renewable Energy Center (SNMREC) at Florida Atlantic University is undertaking baseline assessment of sea turtle locations and behavior in the Florida Current.? Establishing habitat use areas and the level of potential effects on marine turtles is essential step prior to full-scale field-testing of prototype ocean energy devices and successful development of innovative new ocean energy systems.? Environmental stewardship is an important component of this program.


This position is for a research assistant to conduct monthly aerial surveys for sea turtles and other megafauna in the Florida Current, analyze the data, interpret the results for the SNMREC, write up the results for peer-reviewed publication, and handle reporting to relevant permitting agencies.


Candidate must: have a BS or BA in Biology (or related field), experience with sea turtle and/or marine mammal surveys, be physically fit, agile, and not susceptible to air or sea sickness, must be able to work well with others for long periods in confined spaces, and capable of conducting and coordinating the logistics for a field project with minimal supervision. ?The candidate should have evidence of the ability to publish the results of scientific studies.? Strong statistical analytical skills are also favorable. Distance sampling and analyses experience is preferred.


The position is for a person interested in obtaining a Masters with an option to continue toward a Ph.D.? The assistantship includes an annual stipend and tuition and fees waiver.? ?Application to the FAU Environmental Studies program?s October 1 deadline should be made after discussion with the PI.

Contact:? Dr. Jeanette Wyneken, Ph: 561-297-0146? E-Mail: