Hey Everyone,

As you know, it is really important to use your student voice and make sure we as students have influence.

The GSU is letting you know about two really important Committees/DTF that need your participation fast. If you are interested, reply to this email with your name, email address, phone number, and which committee you are interested in. Also, if you have questions we are here to help you.

*******Dean Search DTF:  This DTF will solicit and review applications for two academic dean positions that will soon be open.  Review of applications involves a broad consultative process with the academic community to gain as much input as possible.  The DTF will then provide a statement concerning the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate to the Provost.  The DTF will meet regularly throughout the Fall Quarter with the work ending by the conclusion of the quarter.

*******Campus Land Use Committee (CLUC)
The committee meets every 3rd Monday of the month from 3-5 in the Facilities Conference Room, Lab II1250.  Interested students need to review the CLUC website
http://www.evergreen.edu/committee/cluc/applications.htm . (Fill out their application as well as the information we re requesting of you)

Please respond by October 11, 2011 (next Tuesday). Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled

Thanks for your consideration,

Your Student Union, the GSU

Geoduck Student Union | The Evergreen State College
Olympia, WA 98505 | Ph. 360-867-6555