Farm Assistant Internships at Left Foot

 Left Foot Organics provides employment and training for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities and at-risk rural youth on an organic farm just south of Olympia.  Crew members, with and without disabilities, practice organic growing, business and social skills. They also learn to work as a team, accepting, appreciating and accommodating each other’s differences.  Left Foot cultivates about five acres of certified organic land, producing vegetables and flowers for sale in local markets and for distribution to local food banks and meals programs.


Farm Assistant Internships, 10 – 20 hours per week, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012


Farm Assistants will be involved in many farming activities as they help us to prepare for the growing season.  Interns can expect to learn about:  propagation, greenhouse production, field preparation, transplanting, and organic standards and procedures.  Interns also will be directly involved in Left Foot’s mission, working alongside adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.




  • ·        Interest in organic agriculture, local food systems and intellectual diversity
  • ·        Strong work ethic
  • ·        Good communication skills
  • ·        Willingness to learn
  • ·        Provide own transportation (Left Foot has limited bus service)
  • ·        Ability to work outside in all weather


To apply:     submit a completed volunteer application (available at to the Volunteer Coordinator


Contact:, or call 754-1849