CALIFORNIA SPOTTED OWL RESEARCH INTERN in Yosemite National Park (April– August 2012). Job description: From April to August 2012, we are radio tracking spotted owls in burned forests in Yosemite National Park to evaluate their habitat use patterns in a burned landscape. We are tracking owls at night, looking for daytime roosts and nests, and counting fledglings during the day. This data will be building upon 4 years of previous data in this area and 2012 will be the 3rd year of telemetry data. We will be capturing owls in the spring to affix radio transmitters to them and following them through the summer. The work schedule will be 8 days/nights on and 6 days off.


Intern will assist with all aspects of this field research throughout Yosemite, including: capturing owls, affixing owls with radios, radio tracking owls day AND night, finding owl nests, data entry, and maintaining field equipment. Intern must be able to learn to vocally imitate all spotted owl territorial calls, be able to locate points on topographic maps, and be familiar with the use of GPS units in the field. Must be able to safely handle and maintain live mice for owl captures. Must be self-motivated, able to live and work closely with at least one other person for 8 days at a time in backcountry situations (including maintaining bear-safe living conditions, participating in camp establishment, meal preparation and other such activities) and be able to work long hours during the day and night. A Bachelor’s degree is required, and technical proficiency with radio telemetry equipment is preferred. PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS/WORKING CONDITIONS: Work is very physically strenuous, with prolonged periods of walking and running, over rugged terrain, often off-trail and covered in snow (hiking 15-20 miles/day or night). Bending and lifting of heavy loads is required. A majority of work is done after dark, when owls are most active, which will require late night through early morning work hours working off-trail, in the forest on foot. Work may occur during adverse weather, such as high and low temperatures, and snow or rain storms. Backpacking will consist of carrying heavy loads at high elevations over long distances for multiple nights, and backcountry camping in wilderness is required. All surveying and camping equipment (excluding personal gear such as boots, raingear, backpacks, clothes etc) will be provided.

STIPEND: $500/month + Housing will be provided inside Yosemite National Park. TO APPLY: Please send current resume, cover letter, and contact information for three references to STEPHANIE EYES (EM: sae202 AT no later than 31 January 2012. Applications will be reviewed as they are submitted, so early application is encouraged.

Contact me if you have further questions about the position.