Avian field biology interns (many positions for multiple locations in the U.S. west; paid & unpaid)

FIELD BIOLOGIST INTERNS needed May 1 – July 15 (tentative) to survey birds by point counts in frontcountry Sierra Nevada meadows. Seeking applicants with prior birding experience and familiarity with (or ability to quickly learn) the songs and calls of western montane birds.

Prior knowledge of western montane flora is a plus. Shared housing and project-related travel mileage reimbursement provided along with a per diem of $39 for food and general living expenses (amounts to $975 per month). Please send cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to: MANDY HOLMGREN, The Institute for Bird Populations, (EM: mholmgren AT birdpop DOT org, URL:

http://www.birdpop.org/Interns/NFM12.htm). Electronic submissions are preferred. If that is not possible, please call or email to obtain appropriate mailing address.


FIELD BIOLOGIST INTERNS needed April 27 – July 27, 2012 to survey birds by point counts in Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks in California. Applicants with prior birding experience and familiarity with the songs and calls of western montane landbirds are preferred.

Seeking applicants in excellent physical condition with a willingness to backpack to remote sites and camp out most nights. A personal vehicle is desirable but not required. Prior knowledge of western montane flora is a plus. Shared housing and project-related travel mileage reimbursement provided along with a per diem of $39 for food and general living expenses (amounts to $975 per month). Send cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to: MANDY HOLMGREN, The Institute for Bird Populations, (EM: mholmgren AT birdpop DOT org, URL: http://www.birdpop.org/Interns/SPM12.htm). Electronic submissions are preferred. If that is not possible, please call or email to obtain appropriate mailing address.


FIELD BIOLOGIST INTERNS needed May 1 – August 3, 2012 to survey birds by point counts in Washington State National Parks (North Cascades, Olympic, and Mt. Rainier). Applicants with prior birding experience and familiarity with the songs and calls of western montane landbirds are preferred. Seeking applicants in excellent physical condition with a willingness to backpack to remote sites and camp out most nights. A personal vehicle is desirable but not required. Prior knowledge of western montane flora is a plus. Shared housing and project-related travel mileage reimbursement provided along with a per diem of $39 for food and general living expenses (amounts to $975 per month). Send cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to: MANDY HOLMGREN, The Institute for Bird Populations,

(EM: mholmgren AT birdpop DOT org, URL:

http://www.birdpop.org/Interns/WPM12.htm. Electronic submissions are preferred. If that is not possible, please call or email to obtain appropriate mailing address.



5 FIELD BIOLOGIST INTERNS needed for a Black-backed Woodpecker Radio-telemetry Project in burned forests of the Sierra Nevada, California. Approximate dates of project: late April – mid July 2012.

Prior field experience, particularly radio-telemetry and mist-netting experience, are big pluses, as is experience with field work in rugged mountainous environments. Other requirements include a sense of humor, a love of adventure, a desire to learn more about Black-backed Woodpecker natural history and fire ecology, and an appreciation for recently burned montane landscapes. Successful candidates must be in good physical condition and must be comfortable with off-trail hiking and orienteering (training provided) and perhaps extended camping at remote sites. A personal vehicle is desirable but not required. Shared housing and project-related mileage reimbursement provided along with a per diem of $39 for food and general living expenses (amounts to $975 per month).

Interested applicants should send cover letter, resume, and the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of two references to: BOB WILKERSON, The Institute for Bird Populations, (EM: bwilkerson AT birdpop DOT org).

Electronic submissions are preferred. If that is not possible, please call or email to obtain appropriate mailing address. (URL:
