Thurston County Codes Innovations Database Project: 

Internship Description:  Apply by January 15, 2012

Northwest EcoBuilding Guild – South Sound Chapter

Thurston County and the Verdant Group Consulting


The Green Code Innovations Project is a long-term, multi-phase project of research and development, now entering its third phase working with local government, business and non-profit organizations.   Thurston County planning department has funded this project in partnership with the Northwest EcoBuilding Guild, South Sound Chapter.

The project represents a unique opportunity to help improve building codes / permitting processes and policies through an incentive based effort to accelerate adoption of innovative green building practices and technologies.  Successful applicants will gain valuable experience and learn about building permits and codes, make connections with local officials, green builders and related professionals, and make a lasting impact on sustainability in Thurston County.


The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild is seeking serious focused interns and volunteers to do advanced undergraduate and graduate-level work, to assist in research and development activities following our workplan.  Intern responsibilities may include:

  • Design, document and publish case studies of green building innovations
  • Help organize and conduct focus group sessions with local green builders, building officials and sustainable technology experts
  • Help design, publish and populate a searchable database and website on local code innovations, which will be hosted by Thurston County Planning.


How internships work.  Each intern:

  1. Will be assigned tasks for the overall goal of building a code innovations database and education curriculum for classes and workshops.
  2. Will be assigned to conduct and publish one or more case studies
  3. Will be assigned other specific research & development objectives, follow a workplan and fulfill designated milestones.
  4. Will meet once or more each week as a team with other Interns and Supervisors (depending on team assignments)
  5. Will meet once each week with a Supervisor (in-person or on phone) to check on specific tasks and milestones you both agree to.

Optional internship elements, depending on qualifications:

  • Help organize focus groups
  • Help design and publish website/database


Contact:  Chris van Daalen to find out more or to complete contract paperwork for an internship.; (360) 789-9669