Green Drinks welcomes the NW Fair Trade Coalition for a fun marketplace of fair trade goodies and treats!

Location: Ecotrust,2nd Floors Conference Room
721 NW Ninth Ave. Portland, OR, 97208

Time: Doors open at 6:30pm, the speaker starts promptly at 7:00. Announcements will follow the speaker and networking will continue until 8:45.

Food / Drinks: Hot Lips will be selling beer and wine upstairs so you can more easily experience the “drinks” portion of “Green Drinks.” You’ll still need to go downstairs for any food but are welcome to bring it upstairs.

About the Speaker and Sponsors:
The NW Fair Trade Coalition is an educational resource and advocacy organization that promotes and supports international Fair Trade.

AWAZ Voice For Empowerment
has been working directly with small artisan run handicraft Enterprises from India to bring you high quality, unique fashionable products that are sourced responsibly and provide living wages for women and low income families in need.

Equal Exchange empowers farmers and consumers, supports small farmer co-ops, and uses sustainable farming methods to creat big change in our food system.