The Tiller Ranger District will be filling two Biological Sciences Aid — Fisheries positions within the Tiller Ranger District fisheries program. These positions may be hired at the GS-03 crew member ($11.95/hr) and/or GS-04 crew member ($13.41/hr) depending on experience and qualifications. These positions are designed to introduce students to fisheries management on federal lands and provide work experience.  Tasks include checking rotary screw traps and fyke net traps in support of a district anadromous salmonid outmigrant study, identification of smolts by species and measuring and marking of smolts, as well as stream surveys, juvenile seeding counts and adult spawner counts.  Other duties may include assisting in aquatic mollusk surveys, amphibian surveys, pond surveys and road inventories.  These positions will be 5 days a week.


Interested students should submit a letter of interest, resume, letter of reference from a teacher and a transcript (unofficial is okay) to Calib Baldwin at the address listed below (email preferred) by February 17, 2012.


Times needed: The reporting date for these positions will be early to mid-May and may be flexible. The ending dates for these positions are flexible, depending on student needs.


Location:  The Tiller Ranger District, Umpqua National Forest is a beautiful district on the west side of the Cascade Mtns in SW Oregon.  The forest is characterized by deeply incised canyons, moderate mountain elevations (less than 7,000 foot elevation), and regionally significant rivers (South Umpqua, Jackson Creek etc.).  The district includes the Rogue -Umpqua Divide Wilderness and very significant late successional forest reserves of habitat set aside under the Presidents NW Forest Plan for the protection of fish and wildlife.  The district provides habitat for coho and chinook salmon, winter steelhead and cutthroat trout.  The summers are generally hot and dry though cool, rainy weather is possible at any time of year.  The duty station is located in Tiller Oregon and is approximately 26 miles from the nearest services and 50 miles from the nearest sizeable city, (Roseburg, OR and Medford, OR).


Housing: Bunkhouse space for these positions will be available at a cost of $4.03 per day.


For more information contact:


Calib Baldwin                                   

Fisheries Biologist                                           

Tiller Ranger District                                       

27812 Tiller Trail Hwy.                    

Tiller OR, 97484                                

