The Portland Water Bureau is seeking 3 applicants with fisheries experience/background and 1 applicant with

a botanical background to assist in the collection of field data in 2012. The positions are Community Services

Aides II, or CSA’s.

The first day of work for these positions is March 1, 2012.

Fisheries CSA’s

The 3 fisheries CSA’s will work approximately 35-40 hours per week (8-10 hours per day) from March

through August, and up to 10 hours per week from September through mid-December. Some fisheries work

will be on Saturdays and Sundays. All 3 fisheries CSA’s will have two weeks off in July and two will have up

to four weeks off in September. The fisheries CSA’s will report to work at the Bureau’s Sandy River Station,

which is at the confluence of the Bull Run and Sandy rivers, and then drive in a Bureau vehicle to the work

sites. The fisheries work will focus on monitoring juvenile salmonid smolt traps in the spring, conducting fish

and fish habitat surveys in the summer, and completing adult salmon counts in the fall/early winter, with other

duties assigned as time allows.

Botanical CSA

The botanical CSA will work approximately 1-2 days per week (8-20 hours per week) from January through

September and the month of December. The botanical CSA will not work during October and November.

The botanical CSA will report to work at the Water Bureau’s office in downtown Portland or at Sandy River

Station. Their work will focus on invasive plant surveys, vegetation restoration efforts, and other assigned

duties. For those tasks, the botanical CSA will work 1-2 days per week, depending on scheduling. The

technicians may also have to work on weekends.

All CSA’s will work under the direction of Water Bureau staff but at times will do field work on their own.

The CSA’s may be cross trained to perform other biological duties as assigned by the Water Bureau.

The Bureau prefers that the applicants are able and willing to perform:

1. field work surveying fish habitat in streams

2. identification of juvenile and adult salmonids

3. snorkeling and occasional electrofishing

4. data recording and record keeping

5. assistance with analysis and report writing

6. assistance with invasive plant identification and removal

7. assistance with vegetation restoration efforts

8. use of GPS in tracking and locating plant populations

All applicants should also have a valid Oregon driver’s license and successful applicants will be asked to

provide a copy of their driver’s record from the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles. Candidates may be

required to work during inclement weather conditions and must have the physical ability to walk over uneven

or steep terrain.

The anticipated pay rate for the successful applicants is based on the years of school completed, post high

school, in the area of environmental sciences.

Years of School Completed Anticipated Hourly Pay Rate

In the first year $12.38

Completed 1 year $14.63

Completed 2 years $16.89

More than 4 years $19.14

This recruitment is for seasonal employees. Seasonal employees are limited to 1,200 hours per year, they do

not accrue vacation or sick leave, and they are not eligible for retirement or health benefits. Part-time seasonal

employees are not eligible for holiday pay and the technicians may be required to work on holidays.

Each applicant should indicate in the first paragraph of their cover letter if they are applying for the fisheries

or botanical CSA positions. Fisheries applicants should describe their abilities and training relative to skills 1-

5. Botanical applicants should describe their abilities relative to skills 4-8. Applicants should email or mail a

brief (1 page) cover letter and resume (no more than 2 pages) that is structured to the skills listed above to

Steve Kucas, Portland Water Bureau, 1120 SW 5th Avenue, Portland, OR, 97204 by 5:00 pm January 13,


Inquiries: Steve Kucas, 503.823.6976,