It’s time once again (yes, a little past the time) to start pulling together articles, community announcements, photos, art work and advertising for the Winter edition of the South Sound Green Pages, the quarterly news journal of the South Puget Environmental Education Clearinghouse (SPEECH). To view past issues, see

While we may have a theme in mind for each issue, please do not let that limit you from submitting articles or community announcements relevant to any South Sound subject. Please submit all articles to with a copy to Managing Editor Janine Unsoeld at by Sunday, February 19, 2012. Publication is scheduled for early March. Press releases, community announcements and articles should be relevant to the community from early March through through June.


Theme for Winter 2012: What Do You Think?

This is a free-for-all edition: Although we often have a specific theme in mind, no edition of the Green Pages can be comprehensive on any one subject – and we don’t pretend to be. Each issue is just a piece of the conversation. So if you think we didn’t cover a recent topic quite right, or if you have new thoughts to share about a local environmental topic, feel free to submit a letter to the editor or an article on any subject.


As SPEECH enters its 22nd year as an all-volunteer organization, we wonder how we can best serve our community and communicate our message. We also wonder how the Green Pages can be more than it is in this age of blogs, online publications, and social media. As a printed quarterly that takes a lot of effort to produce, we wonder how else can we envision our publication and web presence. With more contributors, volunteers, and a dedicated committee of community representatives, the Green Pages could become a highly relevant, more frequently published local news source – online or otherwise. The Green Pages, many years ago, even tried out paying writers a small stipend per article. What do you think? Please let us know! We will be addressing this topic at a local media forum currently being organized for our SPEECH annual meeting on Thursday, March 22, 7:00pm – 9:00pm at Traditions Fair Trade, 300 5th Ave.SW, in downtown Olympia. Look for more details about this soon! 

Guidelines for all submissions: Limit your writing to 500 to 750 words maximum total word count, unless you contact the Managing Editor in advance for approval of a longer submission. Include your phone number and email where we can contact you, as well as your full name, and a very short bio. We will edit for length, grammar, and some word choice. For significant edits (to clarify a piece), we will contact you. Finally, we reserve the right to determine which articles will be published in which edition. Due to space limitations and other factors we will sometimes hold articles over for publication in a later edition. Articles submitted timely, but unable to be printed due to lack of space may appear on our website at

To submit articles:
ß Submit articles within a Word or text document to
ß Remember to keep articles under 750 words; longer articles must be approved in advance;
ß Please cite sources in your article text rather than footnoting, but please do cite sources. You may include a suggested title for your article and contact information, if you’d like it included.

To submit announcements and Ecoshorts:
ß Ecoshorts are short articles about community events and news.
ß Ecoshorts can be up to 250 words.
ß Submit as a Word doc, if possible – include contact information, as needed.

To submit images and photos, including advertising:
ß Submit photos as a jpeg.
ß Photos, graphics and diagrams may accompany your articles, and will be used as space allows.
ß Credit all photos submitted to the person who shot the image. If a photo is other than your own work, get permission from the photographer.
ß Include identifying information for people and places, especially private property.

We look forward to your submissions, and thank you for forwarding this announcement to others. Please feel free contact me directly with any questions.

Thank you,

Janine Unsoeld

President, South Puget Environmental Education Clearinghouse (SPEECH)
Managing Editor, South Sound Green Pages

PO Box 1989

Olympia, WA 98507

(360) 791-7736