Learn about the not-so-common fish living in Washington’s waters in one of
REEF’s upcoming Fishinars.

These interactive, fun and short (1 hour) online webinars (we call ’em
Fishinars) are open to anyone and are free. 

The Pacific NW Advanced Fish ID Fishinar will cover about 40 fish – split
into 3 nights, Feb 21st – 23rd. Come to one or as many as you like. I will
be the instructor. You can learn more about me here:

Anyone who engages the public, teachers, marine science center volunteers,
naturalists, high school and college students, etc. will find these short
classes worthwhile. Your pet cat might enjoy all the pictures of fish too.

(some teachers have told us that Fishinars make great extra credit for their

Links to register for the Fishinars can be found here:

Fishinars are sponsored by REEF (Reef Environmental Education Foundation)
and are geared towards scuba divers, to encourage participation in REEF’s
Volunteer Survey Project. This citizen science effort has been going on for
more than 12 years in the Pacific Northwest, and has already amassed more
than 14,000 surveys.