Deadline: February 24, 2012

Clean Air-Cool Planet’s (CA-CP) Climate Fellowships pair outstanding students with challenging, important projects that will propel the US toward a low-carbon future.  Fellows receive supervision, mentorship, unique networking opportunities, and a stipend.

Haas Fellowship – Climate Preparedness for Coastal New Hampshire Towns (NH)

This project will involve assisting a project team composed of members of the NH Coastal Adaptation Working Group (NH CAW) in helping small coastal towns in New Hampshire prepare for a changing climate.

Lamprey Fellowship – Charting Emissions From Food Services (CHEFS): Supporting Sustainable Decisions

CA-CP’s CHEFS tool, now in beta form, is designed to help institutions and individuals make informed, sustainable dining decisions. This Fellow will work with pilot schools to help them utilize the data they get from CHEFS.

Climate Preparedness for New Jersey – Data Directory (NJ)

This Fellow will compile and annotate a directory of peer-reviewed and selected sets of data helpful to technical experts working with elements of climate preparedness confronting local officials in the state of New Jersey.

Creating a Web-Based Resource to Support the CA-CP Northeast Climate Preparedness Initiative (Washington, DC)

This Fellow will help to update and enhance the section of CA-CP’s website dealing with adaptation, including data on federal resources.

Fostering Innovation in Financing State and Local Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency Initiatives (CT)

This Fellow will prepare for Connecticut audiences an up-to-date snapshot of the most innovative and effective financing mechanisms being developed nationwide to support the transition to a low carbon economy.

Impact of Climate Change on Population Dynamics of Emergent Pathogens (NH)

This fellow will work with CA-CP and with researchers from the University of NH to author a white paper on what is known about how climate and environmental changes are driving the dynamics of populations ofVibrio bacteria.

Transforming Campus Carbon Management with the Launch of the New Campus Carbon Calculator™

This Fellow will be responsible for working with CA-CP staff to help implement and continually refine a comprehensive outreach campaign centered around the launch of the new web-based Campus Carbon Calculator.

Using the Campus Carbon Calculator to Highlight Coal Dependence Impacts and Alternatives for Colleges and Universities

This Fellow will work with staff from CA-CP and partners to gather the data needed to create two new coal-related modules for the Campus Carbon Calculator.

Vulnerability Mapping in the Winooski Watershed to Protect Urban Agriculture (VT)

The project will involve inventorying and mapping hazards (e.g., fuel tanks, manure pits, etc.) in the Winooski River watershed that could adversely impact urban agriculture (food production, temporary and permanent structures, etc.) in Burlington’s Intervale.

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