Closes: Review of applications begins Monday, May 21, 2012

The Coalition for a Livable Future (CLF) is planning to release the next iteration of its Regional Equity Atlas in October 2012. Atlas 2.0 will update and expand upon the first Atlas, creating a web-based mapping tool that will enable users to analyze how well different neighborhoods and populations across the region are able to access the resources and opportunities necessary for meeting their basic needs and advancing their health and well-being. With a dynamic mapping interface and updated data, Atlas 2.0 will provide a powerful tool for analyzing, monitoring, and transforming regional inequities.

CLF is seeking one or more skilled graduate student fellows for the summer to assist with analyzing maps and conducting basic statistical analysis of the raw data. Qualifications include:

— A background in urban studies, public health, sociology, geography, urban planning, or a related field
— Interest in regional equity
— Experience working with maps to analyze patterns and relationships
— Basic statistical analysis skills

The work will begin in late June and continue through late September. The ideal fellow will be able to commit at least ten hours per week over most or all of that period of time.

This fellowship opportunity includes a small stipend.

For more information, contact Atlas Co-Project Manager Kris Smock: