July 2012 Citizen Science EDRR Invasive Species Volunteer Training Schedule

* Seattle: Wednesday, July 18th; 6:00-830pm (UWBG – Douglas Classroom)
* Seattle: Saturday, July 21st; 9:30am-12am (with optional field training from 1-2:30pm) (same location as above)
* Olympia Wednesday, July 25th; Session A 1:00pm-3:30pm (LOTT Center)
* Olympia: Wednesday, July 25th; Session B 6:00pm-8:30pm (LOTT Center)
* Yakima: Saturday, July 28th; 9:30-12am (potential optional field training from 1-2:30pm) (Naches Ranger Station)

We will train volunteers to identify 25-30 EDRR plants, collect and report data to the PNW IPC who will then alert local land managers so they can act to remove these invaders. We will use a Powerpoint presentation, herbarium specimens, live material and informational handouts in the trainings. In Seattle and possibly Yakima we will add a field component for those interested in getting hands on experience using the data sheets (e.g., estimating population size of plants encountered, area surveyed etc.) Once volunteers are trained they will conduct surveys within the four target areas listed below. Volunteers will help locate newly established populations and report the data back to the PNW-IPC. The PNW-IPC will then distribute data to county noxious weed controllers and other state and federal land managers that will be able to use the information to remove EDRR invaders before they have a chance to spread and cause serious ecological damage and deplete economic resources.

Exact locations of trainings will be posted on our website (http://www.pnw-ipc.org<http://www.pnw-ipc.org/>) soon. In addition, location information will be e-mailed directly to volunteers who sign up for one of the trainings. If you would like to attend an EDRR training session please e-mail Julie Combs (pnw.ipc.org@gmail.com<mailto:pnw.ipc.org@gmail.com>) with the subject line “Yakima Training” ,”Seattle Training” or “Olympia Training”. We want to get a general idea of how many people will be attending each training session so we can reserve space commensurate with the number of people attending.
We are targeting four different CWMA (Cooperative Weed Management Areas) in eight WA Counties for this pilot program:

* Nisqually River Watershed– Pierce, Thurston, Lewis
* Chehalis River, Southwestern WA – Grays Harbor, Lewis, Mason
* HWY 12- SR 410 – Lewis, Pierce, Yakima, Kittitas
* Southcentral WA– Kittitas, Yakima, Klickitat

The PNW Invasive Plant Council is working in partnership with the Washington Department of Agriculture (WSDA) and other state and local conservations groups to develop and pilot a Citizen Science EDRR program in Washington State with funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. What makes this conservation project unique is that we are focusing on eradicating plants currently in low abundance in target areas. We are excited about this effort and hope that you can participate as a Citizen Scientist!
For more information contact:
Julie K. Combs, PhD
PNW Invasive Plant Council
EDRR Citizen Science Program Coordinator
(615) 812-5295