LOTT is currently recruiting community members interested in water issues to sit on a Community Advisory Group for an important new regional study. The Groundwater Recharge Scientific Study will help LOTT and the community understand how to best protect local water resources while treating reclaimed water and using it to recharge groundwater. I’m attaching a flyer with more information. Please help us get the word out and forward to anyone you know who may be interested. No technical education or experience required, just an interest in learning more.


Amber Smith
Environmental Educator
WET Science Center
500 Adams Street NE, Olympia, WA 98501
Office: 360.528.5742
Cell: 360.918.4993
360.664.2336 | fax
ambersmith@lottcleanwater.org<mailto:ambersmith@lottcleanwater.org> | www.wetsciencecenter.org<http://www.lottcleanwater.org>