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What does it mean to be energy literate, and why is it important?  The Department of Energy held a recent webinar that describes why a basic understanding of energy, energy sources, generation, use, and conservation strategies is essential to better energy decision-making. Empowering educators to take an interdisciplinary, systems-based approach is critical to connecting such disparate but critical elements as physical and earth sciences, engineering and social sciences.  This more comprehensive approach to teaching energy for students and adults can lead to more informed energy decision-making by individuals and communities, spur energy innovation, and hopefully, inspire interest in clean energy careers.


The Department of Energy led the effort to develop the Energy Literacy Framework, which identifies concepts every citizen should know and understand to be energy literate. The Webinar walks through the seven Essential Principles from the framework, looks at teaching and learning concepts, discusses the K-12 Next Generation Science Standards and their link to energy literacy, highlights a model Energy 101 general education college course, and identifies free energy education resources which can be used with learning audiences from K-Gray. The Energy Literacy Framework was developed through a series of workshops and an extensive review and comment process involving the 13 federal partner agencies that make up the U.S. Global Change Research Program and many other education partners. With the Energy Literacy Framework complete and in print, work continues involving education partners to advance energy education with audiences of all ages.


This webinar is part of the Energy Literacy Initiative and was presented by Dr. Michelle Fox – Chief Strategist for Education and Workforce Development, DaNel Hogan – Einstein Fellow, and Erin Twamley – Education and Technology Specialist.


To learn more about this important topic and to access the Energy Literacy Framework, find energy education resources, and view the recorded webinar session, visit the following site: