See Below

I am an Evergreen alum helping a local land trust update an ecological survey for a 133-acre preserve in Shelton (30 minutes from TESC by car) and am looking for a few students to assist with field data collection over the next month or two. This former ranch provides critical habitat for native species, including five salmon species and 113 waterfowl, shorebird, waterbird, and landbird species. Those with experience with GIS, native species identification skills, and knowledge of measuring water flow are especially encouraged to respond. This is a volunteer opportunity, so there is no compensation for this work except for [hopefully] the awesome feeling you get from helping a wonderful group try to recover and sustain the health a local ecosystem.

I will be collecting data on Fridays this term, and other times as my schedule allows, using GPS and ArcPad to update previously digitized features at the site and create new points of reference. This will be used by the non-profit’s in their efforts to conserve the wetlands, riparian areas, and associated upland forests as well as marine shorelines and estuaries located at this unique property. As time allows, data will also be collected to analyze the suitability of different parts of the preserve for use by ESA-covered species. I may need help georeferencing points from scanned images, as well. Please have used ArcGIS 10 before or be willing to go through some self-taught courses available for free at TESC so you understand what we’re doing. While I’m not an expert, I’m happy to teach you what you need to know and problem solve.

I am particularly interested in hearing from individuals with expertise in identifying native species of birds, toads, and plants who would be willing to help conduct species surveys. I can teach interested students about surveying techniques if they have those identification skills. As well, for those willing to share their expertise, there is a need to measure water flow to analyze the impacts of potential wetlands restoration projects. There is a lot of opportunity for future research at this site and this would be a great chance to introduce yourself to the property. I am also looking to invite TESC classes out to this site later in the term and might need help with the logistics of that.

Please send me a brief e-mail telling me about yourself and your relevant experience. If you are interested but cannot commit to helping on a weekly basis, feel free to contact me as extra hands may be needed for other tasks. I will start responding to e-mails next week. You will be asked to sign a safety waiver and need to provide your own gear, including sturdy boots and weather-appropriate clothing. It’s an incredible place and I look forward to speaking with anyone who is interested in helping out.


Alex Thornton