See Below

Job Overview:  The University of Wyoming in Laramie, WY, is hiring two field technicians for a study investigating the response of understory vegetation to mountain pine beetle-induced lodgepole pine mortality in western Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado.  Technicians will assist graduate student with fieldwork involving forest/vegetation sampling and plant identification.


Each day, the field crew will navigate to permanently-marked sampling plots.

At each plot, they will identify and estimate cover of understory vegetation and abiotic substrates, measure tree seedling establishment, collect tree cores, take spherical densiometer measurements, and record tree fall rates.  Technicians will car camp most of the time, although some backpacking will be required.


Highly-motivated individuals with a strong work ethic and interest in forest ecology, plant ecology, or botany are encouraged to apply.


Dates:  Start July 1st and end August 23rd.


Desired Qualifications:

(1) Coursework in botany, forestry, ecology, or related field.

(2) Previous field experience sampling forest understory vegetation or willingness and ability to learn quickly.  Preference may be given to those candidates with plant identification skills and experience (particularly of central Rocky Mountain flora).

(3) Ability to communicate and work effectively as a team member.

(4) Capable of careful attention to detail in measuring and recording information and keeping track of data forms and equipment.

(5) Ability to carry a heavy pack across steep, rough terrain and to work long days in remote areas and in inclement (rainy/cold/buggy) conditions.

(6) Experience using topographic maps, compass, and GPS for navigation.

(7) Good physical condition, positive attitude, and a sense of humor.


Pay: $8-10 per hour depending on qualifications and experience.


How To Apply:  Send a cover letter, resume, and contact information including email address for 2 references to Greg Pappas (

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.