See Below

The Colville National Forest will soon be filling a GS-401/101-12, Supervisory Environmental Coordinator. The position is the lead interdisciplinary team leader and environmental coordinator for the East Zone environmental planning group. The incumbent supervises a writer-editor and several natural resource specialists. The Colville National Forest is a high performing unit in the national spotlight for innovative approaches to meeting natural resource restoration goals. We have vibrant and active collaborative partners and excellent relations with the Kalispel Tribe. The landscape is a unique mix of Rocky Mountain foothills and the dryer ponderosa pine stands of Eastern Washington. We manage habitat for several endangered species and have close and effective working relationship with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

This is a permanent full time position with a duty station of Newport, Washington.  This notification is being circulated to inform perspective applicants of this upcoming opportunity.  All potential applicants who respond to this outreach will be sent the link to the vacancy announcement when it is available.  The vacancy announcement will posted at http:// in October. We anticipate requesting a referral list in November of 2013.   For more information on this position please contact:


Gayne (guy-na) Sears, District Ranger at 509-447-7316,