See Below

The conference is jointly sponsored by the UM College of Forestry & Conservation-Plum Creek Lecture Series, Montana Wetland Council, USFS, & Northwest Lichenologists.


NWSA is excited to bring this conference to Montana — University of Montana in Missoula, March 26-29, 2014.


We are soliciting papers to address a broad range of topics and special sessions in the natural, social, and applied sciences, including:

Anthropology & Archaeology; Aquatic Biology; Biogeography; Botany; Climatology &

Meteorology; Computer Applications; Conservation Biology; Fire Ecology; Fisheries &

Wildlife Mgmt; Forest & Range Mgmt; Geomorphology; Geology; Hydrology; Invertebrate

Zoology; Lichenology & Bryology; Limnology; Mathematical Modeling; Natural Resource

Mgmt; Plant Ecology; Soils & Pedology; Vertebrate Biology & Zoology

Our Special Sessions include:

Wetland Ecology & Wetland Forest Management

Forest Ecology & Management

Lichen & Bryophyte Ecology

Research Natural Areas


This conference will provide a great opportunity to present your research and share ideas with scientists from throughout Northwestern North America.  A “Call For Papers” with conference information and guidelines for submitting an abstract is attached.  Please review and share!




Abstract Submittal: September 9 to December 31, 2013


Early registration deadline (reduced rates): begins January 2014


Conference: March 26–29, 2014; details at