Call for Student Volunteers!


Conference participation has many benefits, such as meeting the region’s leading ecological restoration practitioners and connecting your coursework and research to real-world efforts to restore systems in the Northwest, Great Basin, and beyond. Volunteer at the conference to receive reduced or waived conference registration.Volunteer duties may include helping with poster set-up and take-down; supporting AV needs; staffing registration desk; and supporting field trips. Volunteers will be asked to attend a brief volunteer training and information session, likely to be held the day or evening before the conference begins. Volunteers will receive registration waivers as follows:

  •  Volunteer for 9 hours: attend 3 days of  conference
  •  Volunteer for 6 hours: attend 2 days of conference
  •  Volunteer for 3 hours: attend 1 day of conference
  •  Volunteer for a Friday field trip: attend field trip for free

Volunteer opportunities are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. For information about the conference, visit To request volunteer status or ask questions about volunteering, please contact Lisa Chang, SER-NW member, at (425) 941-3727, or