Hello Greeners!

The Coalition Against Sexual Violence (CASV) is looking for a co-coordinator for the 2014-2015 academic year.

CASV works towards creating safe and supportive spaces for allies and survivors in the Evergreen community. Every year, CASV offers empowering workshops and events, peer-advocacy services, and educational resources, all in an effort to challenge and dismantle the systems that support violence in our communities.

Currently there is one awesome coordinator for the 2014-2015 school year, but CASV needs one more!

Qualities CASV is looking for in student coordinator:

-Interest in networking and socializing with other students and with other student groups, as well as co-conducting interest meetings

-Willingness to work collaboratively on projects

-Comfortability connecting with Evergreen faculty and individuals in Evergreen Administration

-Excitement about initiating and advertising events on campus

Fun benefits of being a CASV coordinator:

-Gain leadership and coordination skills

-Meet fun people

-Receive a monetary stipend twice a quarter

To respond, visit
