USDA Forest Service

Pacific Southwest Region


Outreach Notice

Klamath National Forest

Happy Camp/Oak Knoll Ranger District



District Archaeologist



The Klamath National Forest Happy Camp/Oak Knoll Ranger District is currently seeking a candidate for a permanent full-time District Archaeologist, GS-0193-7/9 position located in Happy Camp, California.  The purpose of this Outreach Notice is to inform prospective applicants of this upcoming opportunity.  To express interest in this position, please complete the attached voluntary Outreach Interest Form and return to Lance Noxon, 530-493-1723, lnoxon@fs.fed.usby close of business on November 6, 2014.

If you do not have email, complete the form and mail to: KNF HCOK 63822 Highway 96, PO Box 377 Happy Camp, CA  96039 ATTN: Lance Noxon


Outreach respondents will be notified when the position is posted in USAJobs website ( identify Happy Camp, CA as the Duty Station.


DESCRIPTION OF THE DUTIES ASSOCIATED WITH THIS POSITION:Provides advice to District leadership on protection of heritage and cultural resources and management of the Heritage and Cultural Resources Program, including development of immediate objectives, integration of heritage and cultural resource protection with other resource activities, and establishment of protection and management priorities.


The Heritage and Cultural Resource Program covers one or more resource areas, such as the protection of historic and pre-historic properties and artifacts and assisting with tribal relations.


Coordinates the budget and project plan of work for the District’s archeological and cultural activities within the District.


Designs inventory strategies as part of the land use planning process based on Forest-wide priorities and needs.  Organizes, supervises, or directly performs inventory of areas. Work includes preparation of maps, inventories, reports, and records related to the discovery, protection, inventory, salvage, and interpretation of heritage and cultural resource areas.


Reviews reports as part of project planning to evaluate the quality of the inventory, the completeness of the report, and the significance of heritage or cultural sites found.  Prepares determinations-of-effect for sites identified during project inventories.  Recommends mitigation procedures.  Determines eligibility of historical properties for the National Register of Historic Places.


Provides heritage and cultural resource management orientation to District personnel on statutes, regulations and purpose of work to be performed.  Interprets heritage and cultural resources to the public and professional contacts through presentations at visitor facilities, professional journals, etc.


Develops contract specifications for heritage and cultural resource work and as delegated, acts as Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) or inspector on such contracts.


Assists in developing and carrying out projects related to stewardship enhancement and public interpretation of heritage and cultural resources, such as partnership agreements and site steward programs.


Interprets heritage and cultural resources to public and professional contacts through presentations at professional conferences, visitor facilities, professional journals, etc.


Ensures program data for documentation submission including contracts, National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility criteria, legal documents to fulfill programmatic requirements, and internal reports.


Much of the work is performed outdoors, in isolated, rugged terrain; to include very steep, wet, muddy, rough, uneven or rocky surfaces. The position requires physical exertions, such as hiking, bending, crouching, stooping, stretching, reaching, or similar activities on steep slopes in dense brush, over several hours. Individuals should be capable of conducting fieldwork year-round, working in remote areas for long periods of time, during early morning hours and throughout the day. The individual may be exposed to discomfort from extremes in weather temperatures and/or hostile wildlife, and physical hazards including but not limited to poison oak. Some aspects of this position will also take place in an office environment.


Supervisory and/or Managerial Responsibilities:

The incumbent’s supervisor schedules projects and outlines them in terms of objectives and priorities.
The incumbent plans and conducts the work independently with only spot checks by the supervisor unless an unusual situation arises.
Completed work is reviewed for technical adequacy and soundness of judgment.


If you are interested in applying for this position, please complete the attached form describing your current status and return it to:

EMAIL: Lance

Cell phone: 530-412-2332

Office phone: 530-493-1723

If you do not have email, complete the form and mail to: KNF HCOK 63822 Highway 96, PO Box 377 Happy Camp, CA  96039 ATTN: Lance Noxon



The Klamath National Forest covers an area of 1,700,000 acres located in Siskiyou County in northern California and Jackson County in southern Oregon.  The Forest is divided into two sections separated by the Shasta Valley and the Interstate 5 highway corridor.  In the mountains to the west, the terrain is steep and rugged while the east side has the relatively gentler, rolling terrain of volcanic origin.  With elevations ranging from 450 to 8,900 feet above sea level, the Forest is one of America’s most biologically diverse regions, situated in a transition region between the hotter and drier areas of the south and the colder and wetter locale of the north.


This central position of the Klamath in relation to the Cascades, Sierra Nevada, Coast Range and the Great Basin has fostered complex climatic patterns and led to an unparalleled diversity of plant life found nowhere else in California.  More species of conifers live near or in the Klamath’s Marble Mountain and Russian Wilderness Areas than anywhere else on earth.  An astounding 17 conifer species co-exist within one square mile!  The Forest is also home to one plant that lives nowhere else on earth, the Siskiyou Mariposa Lily.


The program of work for the Forest is centered on the restoration of fire adapted ecosystems.  We have an active and strongly integrated vegetation management and fuels program that works to protect communities, infrastructure and critical wildlife and fisheries habitat.  We work with local communities, Fire Safe Councils, and interested groups and individuals in developing projects using Healthy Forest Restoration Act authorities.  In 2010, the Forest was honored to be recognized as having treated the greatest amount of hazardous fuels reduction acres in the Pacific Southwest Region.


The appropriate management of naturally occurring wildfire across the Forest is also an important program component.  The Klamath is known as a leader in using wildfire to benefit landscape conditions as well as having a highly skilled and experienced fire suppression workforce.

The Forest includes all or part of five wilderness areas: Marble Mountain, Russian, Trinity Alps, Red Buttes and Siskiyou. Trailheads are numerous and hikes range from easy to arduous. There are 200 miles of river system for rafting and 152 miles of wild and scenic rivers in the Forest. The Forest has 28 campgrounds, and world-class hiking, fishing and wildlife viewing.  With the Klamath, Salmon, and Scott Rivers meandering from one end of the Forest to the other, recreationists have found a playground that offers virtually everything (except crowds) to the outdoor enthusiast.

The management of area streams and rivers, and range, botanical, heritage, cultural and mineral resources rounds out the active and interesting programs included on the Klamath.


More information on the Klamath National Forest is on our website:




The Happy Camp Ranger District is located in the Klamath River Valley at Happy Camp, Siskiyou County, California.  Happy Camp, a community of about 1,000 people, is located 70 miles west of Yreka, California, 104 miles south and west of Medford, Oregon, and 40 miles south of O’Brien, Oregon. Year-round access is provided from Medford and Yreka via paved highway, Interstate 5 and State Highway 96.  During the summer months (May-October), Happy Camp is accessible via 40 miles of paved road from O’Brien and Cave Junction, Oregon, located on Highway 199. The climate is generally mild.  Rainfall averages nearly 55 inches per year and summer temperatures range from 75 F TO 105 F.  Winter temperatures range from 15 F to 60 F.  Temperatures below 15 F are very rare.  Snowfall in the valley is normally light and of short duration.  The elevation at the Ranger Station is 1080 feet.

There are public schools in Happy Camp for all grades, kindergarten through the twelfth grade.  School bus service to and from school is provided for children living in most outlying districts.  A three-thousand foot asphalt runway and airport are available and suitable for small airplanes during daylight hours.  There is bus service between Happy Camp and Yreka twice weekly and the nearest national bus connections is located in Yreka.  Medical services are available.  Happy Camp is also serviced by Redding Medical air ambulance for transporting patients by air to Medford, Oregon, Redding, California or other medical services and there is also a local ambulance service.  Other facilities and services available in Happy Camp include automotive service and repair shops, restaurants, motels, river boat guide services, market, general store, clothing store and various other businesses.  Recreational activities include hunting big game animals such as elk, black tail deer and black bear and fishing for salmon, steelhead, and rainbow trout.  Happy Camp has a thriving art community.  The following church services are available:  Happy Camp Community Bible Church, Catholic, Lutheran, Jehovah’s Kingdom Hall, and Latter Day Saints. Housing costs vary depending on location, residence size, and property, averaging $125,000-$250,000 for a typical 3-bedroom home on a city parcel and there are local real estate firms in the area.  Government housing may be available.


Forest Service employees on the workforce reduction placement system list will receive priority consideration and CTAP/ICTAP candidates will receive the appropriate consideration.




District Archaeologist GS-0193-7/9


Klamath National Forest

Happy Camp Oak Knoll Ranger District

Please respond by November 6, 2014


If you are interested in this position and would like notification of the job announcement when it is issued, please complete this Outreach Interest Form and email to Lance Noxon

If you do not have email, complete the form and mail to: KNF HCOK 63822 Highway 96, PO Box 377 Happy Camp, CA  96039 ATTN: Lance Noxon    Please respond by November 6, 2014


NAME: ______________________________________________________________________


E-MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________


MAILING ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________




TELEPHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________________


AGENCY EMPLOYED WITH:   ______USFS     _____BLM    ______OTHER_________




                                             ______ VRA                 _____ PWD                  ______ OTHER


CURRENT REGION/FOREST/DISTRICT: _______________________________________________





CURRENT POSITION TITLE: __________________________________________________________














______ OTHER ______________________________________________________________  


Submission of this form is voluntary. Thanks for your interest!