Sovereignties and Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and Dispossession

April 30 – May 3, 2015
York University, Toronto


Critical Ethnic Studies Association is excited to announce our third major conference,Sovereignties and Colonialisms: Resisting Racism, Extraction and Dispossession.  This gathering will honour Indigenous sovereignty struggles for land, culture, food, water, education, and health—and centre Indigenous, Black, and people of colour activism and scholarship, especially work coming from feminist, trans, Two-Spirit, queer, and disability struggles and perspectives.

Sovereignities and Colonialisms aims to critique settler colonialism and white supremacy; challenge colonial gender binaries; examine genealogies of anti-Black racism and colonial racial formations; and think about resistance and oppression transnationally, in ways that challenge western hegemony and the travels of racist and colonial methods.


Here’s the link for more info on submitting proposals/ learning more about past conferences/ registration, in case you’re interested: