SAVE THE DATE!  Stormwater Symposium: 11:00 am, March 5th in Tacoma…


The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild’s V2A Series presents:

Adapting to Low-Impact Development (LID)

Thursday March 5, 2015, 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

$25 per person, includes lunch

University of Washington – Tacoma, William W. Phillip Hall

With Art Castle, Executive VP, Building Industry Association of Washington

In the rainy Northwest, stormwater regulations tie the health of our economy to the ecological health of streams, lakes and Puget Sound.  Beginning in 2015, new Dept. of Ecology requirements will be adopted by local jurisdictions, directing developers, builders and public works engineers to use low-impact development (LID) practices on most projects to treat and control stormwater runoff on-site.  What will be the cost and effectiveness of rain gardens, porous pavement, native landscaping and green roofs?  Will LID designs replace traditional stormwater detention facilities? Come explore the challenges and business opportunities presented by development standards evolving toward sustainability.


Join a strategic conversation with owners and developers, landscape professionals and contractors, clean water advocates and stormwater regulators to explore the new world of stormwater management as it unfolds.


Bonus Event:  Wrap-up the day by staying for a 4:00 pm Reception for the “Tacoma Green Infrastructure Challenge” Tacoma’s inaugural LID design competition, including finalist presentations and awards ceremony.


Event details and registration will be available January 1, check our website for updates!  Also the Tacoma Green Infrastructure Challenge website.



Thank you to our co-sponsors for supporting Vision2Action, a unique form of civic engagement:


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We’ll see You in March!