Intro To Urban Gardening: A Life Enrichment Class at Evergreen Tacoma to Take Place This Winter

Tacoma, Wash – The prospect of growing one’s food may seem daunting to a city dweller. But urban gardening provides all kinds of benefits – from exercise and contemplative time to healthy, organic fruits and vegetables and a stronger connection with the earth.

The Evergreen State College Tacoma Program will offer a four-session life enrichment course called “Intro to Urban Gardening,” Monday evenings, February 23-March 16, from 6 to 8pm.  The class costs $100, which includes materials and a home consultation in the Hilltop community with course instructor Dean Jackson.

Jackson is executive director of Hilltop Urban Gardens, a food sovereignty and social justice organization in Tacoma; Jackson has been growing food in urban settings for 10 years and is a master gardener in Pierce County.

Course topics will include site selection, building a raised bed, starting a planting calendar and creating proper soil for plant health. During the first session, students will start seeds indoors that will be available as transplants at the end of the class.

This non-credit course is geared toward the general public and beginning gardeners with an interest in growing their own food.
