Mercy Corps NW AmeriCorps VISTA Positions

Mercy Corps NW AmeriCorps VISTA Team

Mercy Corps NW AmeriCorps VISTA Team

Posted: 10/12/2015
Location: Portland Metro
Closing Date: 12/4/2015
Industry: Government, Nonprofit, Social Services
Type: Full Time

Mercy Corps NW seeks dedicated applicants from all walks of life to join a cohort of AmeriCorps VISTA members that will begin service in mid-February 2016.

Mercy Corps NW VISTAs oversee projects that build the long-term capacity of their communities through financial education, job skills training, microenterprise, financial asset development, food security, and nutrition education. They perform indirect service, working behind the scenes on projects such as volunteer recruitment, program development, and grant writing. While the programs VISTAs develop endure for years VISTAs have limited interaction with clients and generally are based in a typical office setting. However, VISTA offers the opportunity to gain advanced project management skills and exercise creativity in implementing a program–skills highly desired by employers.

Our VISTA host sites are located throughout the state in both rural and urban areas. Those applying to positions located outside of Portland are strongly encouraged to possess a reliable car.

As VISTA has unique benefits and requirements, prospective applicants are advised to review our FAQ on our VISTA program. Pay and benefit information is located in the FAQ. The FAQ is located here:

Priority deadline for consideration is November 2. Positions will be open until December 4, unless filled earlier. Early applications strongly encouraged. Selections made on a rolling basis.

Applicants must submit an application through the links provided in the header of each position. No other application materials will be accepted.

We seek to place members at the below positions.

MCNW VT Catholic Charities Marketing Specialist 2016-17

The Financial Wellness Services (FWS), a program of Catholic Charities Oregon is located in Portland, and provides services to low-income clients throughout the state. Catholic Charities of Oregon is one of the largest social service agencies in the northwest and core to its mission is to help people move up the economic ladder out of poverty. The VISTA member placed in our department will serve as our Social Venture Marketing Specialist. During the year this VISTA member will assist in developing a marketing strategy and marketing materials to launch our FWS program as a social venture. However, the Catholic Charities VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by launching FWS as a social venture to expand the reach of our services to those most in need. To do this the VISTA member will assist in developing a marketing strategy and marketing materials to launch our Financial Wellness Services (FWS) as a social venture. The member will be involved in developing the marketing and packaging of FWS’s core services, processes, and products for presentation to potential customers.

As a VISTA member at Catholic Charities you will help end poverty by developing a marketing plan for our Financial Wellness Social Venture. Major functions will include devising a framework for researching and identifying potential FWS customers, conducting research on potential client base for FWS services, developing a scalability plan for delivery of financial literacy services, and developing and executing a marketing strategy. Applicant should hold a four year degree in Business, Marketing, Communications, or similar field, or four years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. Applicant should have excellent skills in communication, time management, multitasking, and organization. Applicant should have proficiency in the MS Office Suite and In Design.

MCNW VT Community Vision Inc Asset Building Assoc. 2016-17

Community Vision is located in Portland, Oregon. Community Vision’s mission is to make Oregon a place where all people with disabilities can live, work, and thrive in whatever communities they choose. We offer a network of services, including supported living, homeownership, asset development, youth programs and employment services. Our service area encompasses all of Portland (Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties). The VISTA member placed at our agency will assist in developing and expanding our Asset Building programs that increases the income and assets of people with disabilities. The member will play a substantial role in expanding our volunteer base, helping to develop new community partnerships, and participating in donor cultivation to serve more low-income individuals.

As a VISTA at CVI, you will help end poverty by expanding programs that build employment opportunities and financial assets of people with disabilities. Major functions will include expanding our volunteer base, developing outreach materials, and attending events to recruit volunteers and partners. You will assist in grant writing and fundraising through donor cultivation and grant research. Applicant should hold a 4-year degree in public admin, social services, or a related field, or four years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. Applicant should be interested in supporting people with disabilities, and should have strong writing and computer skills. Applicant should have some experience with project management and communication with internal and external stakeholders.

MCNW VT CPAH PROMPT3 Coordinator 2016-17

Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH), located in Portland, Oregon, has been providing healthy, vibrant affordable housing in the SW Portland and Washington County communities for over twenty years. Our community is made up of eight multi-family rental properties, with resident services offering onsite programming for children, family and seniors. The VISTA member placed at our agency will assist in developing Phase Two of the PROMPT3 Initiative, a multi-faceted, multi-year effort to engage residents, management and maintenance as active partners with CPAH in maintaining healthy, sustainable affordable housing for current and future low-income residents. The CPAH VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by crafting training modules and empowerment strategies focused on resource conservation, household finances, utility bill comprehension, building systems, preventive maintenance and effective feedback loops for maintenance and management work. Phase One of the Initiative emphasized introductory financial literacy concepts and resource conservation at household and property scales. Training modules were developed and disseminated across the CPAH portfolio. Phase Two will build upon the momentum of the first year, with additional attention on household finances concepts, financial partnerships, and engaging with cross-cultural community organizations to benefit low-income residents at CPAH properties.

As a VISTA member at CPAH you will help end poverty through the PROMPT3 Initiative, which engages residents of low-income housing as partners in long-term property sustainability. Major functions include creating financial literacy training modules, partner relationship development, & collaboration with CPAH staff in grant writing. Applicant should hold a four year degree in community development, education or sociology, or four years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. Applicant should possess excellent verbal & written communication skills, ability to engage diverse communities, & commitment to community transformation. Applicant should have experience with databases & be familiar with Microsoft computer platform. Language proficiency beyond English is desired.

MCNW VT Food Roots Access to Local Food Coordinator 2016-17

Food Roots, in Tillamook, Oregon, provides services to farmers, consumers, and students through local food production, access, and education. Our community is a small town located in a rural region of Oregon’s coast. The VISTA member placed at our organization will assist in growing our Access to Local Food program, which provides local food incentives, garden education, and knowledge of community resources and healthy food opportunities to community members. This project will serve low-income consumers with an added focus on Spanish-speakers. The Food Roots VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by leading a SNAP at Farmers Markets Awareness Campaign for the Tillamook County Farmers Market Network (TCFMN) of four markets. They will develop a marketing plan and materials and recruit local service agencies to act as formal referral partners to support the program. The member will also collaborate with the TCFMN to develop a social enterprise pilot project that will raise awareness of SNAP at Markets while also raising a sustainable funding base for the longevity of the project. The member will develop a community engagement toolkit to be used for school and community garden engagement and will recruit volunteer garden instructors, farmers; and engage parents and teachers. They will document engagement tactics and materials developed for future use.

As a VISTA at Food Roots you will help end poverty by expanding food access for low-income community members. Major functions include developing a SNAP at Farmers Markets campaign that includes creating an outreach toolkit and database system. S/he will research and develop a social enterprise project for farmers markets for future SNAP project fundraising. S/he will develop a volunteer recruitment plan, recruit volunteers, and assist with grant writing. Applicant should hold a four year degree in community or non-profit development, or similar, or have relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. Applicant should be a self-starter, work well collaboratively, and possess strong writing skills and the ability to engage community members. Applicant should have experience with graphic design, Google software, project planning, and volunteer recruitment. Applicant must possess strong Spanish language skills, both spoken and written, and demonstrate those skills during interview. A car is highly recommended for this position.

MCNW VT Marion-Polk Food Share Nutrition Coordinator 2016-17

Marion-Polk Food Share, located in Salem, Oregon, as a regional food bank has a mission “to lead the fight to end hunger in Marion and Polk counties”. Our community is a mid-sized town located in the Willamette Valley, an area rich in agriculture. The VISTA member placed at our agency will assist in developing our Nutrition Outreach and Education program, a program that is focused on increasing access and understanding of healthy foods and other food resources to our community. The Marion-Polk Food Share VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by increasing use and distribution of healthy foods, and increase understanding of barriers to accessing SNAP benefits. The VISTA in this position will have three major areas of focus during their year. This includes recruiting volunteer support for our nutrition classes, research and development around barriers and misconceptions to SNAP access for underserved populations, and developing a direct-to-client produce distribution.

As a VISTA member at Marion-Polk Food Share you will help end poverty by increasing low-income individual’s access and understanding of healthy food. Major functions will include planning and implementing a produce distribution to low-income community members, developing a proposal to address misconceptions and barriers to SNAP enrollment, and strengthen Marion-Polk Food Share’s nutrition education programming. Applicant should hold a four year degree in public health, or four years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. The applicant should possess clear written and verbal communication and a passion for food-equity issues. The applicant should have experience with representing an organization and training volunteers or staff.

MCNW VT Meals on Wheels People Volunteer Specialist 2016-17

Meals on Wheels People, located in Portland Oregon, enriches the lives of seniors and assists them in maintaining independence by making nutritious food, social contacts and other resources easily accessible. To the extent possible we also serve disabled and institutionalized individuals and other nutritionally at-risk populations. Our community spans across Multnomah, Washington and Clark counties and serves clients in urban, suburban and rural areas throughout the three counties. The VISTA member placed at our agency by assisting in developing a volunteer outreach program for our Meals 4 Kids program, a program that reduces poverty by changing the generational nature of hunger through the provision of nutritious food to low-income children and families, enabling clients to focus on health, job skills development, and employment. The Meals on Wheels People VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by increasing our volunteer base through targeted outreach efforts and development and documentation of recruiting, orientation, training, and retention processes, and materials.

As a VISTA at Meals on Wheels People you’ll help end poverty by expanding a volunteer base for our Meals 4 Kids program, improving food access for low-income families. Major functions include developing a volunteer outreach& training guide, identifying partners, & developing support resources. You’ll conduct outreach to community agencies, represent the organization at volunteer fairs, & develop volunteer training & materials. Applicant should hold a four year degree in nonprofit or business admin or related field or 4 years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. Applicant should be able to work independently or in a group & possess strong communication & public speaking skills. Applicant should have experience with MS Office, data management systems, & volunteer recruitment.

MCNW VT Redemption Ridge Community Connect Coord. 2016-17

Redemption Ridge is based in Medford, Oregon provides services to those impacted by domestic sex trafficking. The VISTA member placed at our agency will assist in developing our Safe House and Resource Center for survivors of sex trafficking, which provides restorative services including life skills, counseling, referrals, housing and other resources to assist them in becoming self-sufficient and having a healthy future. Redemption Ridge VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by leading an outreach initiative within the community and throughout surrounding areas in order to secure stable resources for our clients. The member will develop an outreach plan and materials and take charge of recruiting local businesses to assist with resources that support our programs. The member will also develop the funding base for the restorative services at the Safe House and Resource Center that assist with self-sufficiency. He or she will manage donor cultivation and outreach, helping to create special event fundraising and connect with donors. Finally, the member will recruit volunteer advocates by designing a recruitment and training plan and conducting in-person outreach to local churches and social groups.

The VISTA will reduce poverty by identifying and creating sustainable resources for those impacted by Domestic Sex Trafficking. Major functions will include cultivating a network of business partners, pursuing donations and developing a fund development plan, creating a fundraiser to support services for low income survivors of trafficking, securing donors, and designing a volunteer recruitment plan and recruiting and training volunteers. VISTAs serve their communities through indirect service. The support systems you create will endure for years and provide life changing services to those we serve. Applicant should hold a four year degree in behavioral sciences or similar, or four years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. The applicant should be independent, possess strong writing skills, and enjoy public speaking. The applicant should have experience with MS Office project planning, fundraising, volunteer recruitment and have a valid driver’s license. A car is highly recommended for this position.

MCNW VT Southern Oregon Goodwill Volunteer Coord. 2016-17

Southern Oregon Goodwill is located in Medford, OR. Our mission is to “enable employment by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth.” Our community is mid-sized and is situated in a valley a little over an hour from the California border. The VISTA member placed at our agency will assist in developing our volunteer program; a program that links community volunteers to low-income participants. The Southern Oregon Goodwill VISTA will play a dynamic role in ending poverty by developing processes and tracking systems for this fledgling program as well as building a recruitment program. The member will both collaborate with program staff and leadership as well as working alone. Additional volunteers allow us to increase our resources and our ability to help participants regain their independence.

As a VISTA member at Southern Oregon Goodwill you will end poverty by growing our volunteer program and creating recruitment tools to serve more low-income individuals. Major functions will include working with HR on job descriptions and working across counties to identify volunteer need and build community relationships. The VISTA will recruit volunteers and support supervisors by assisting in creating training and best practices. Applicant should hold a four year degree in human services or similar, or four years of relevant work experience, or a combination thereof. The applicant should possess strong writing skills, be detail-oriented, and able to work alone or in a team. The applicant should have experience with Microsoft Office programs and experience in non-profit. A car is highly recommended for this position.

Application Guidelines/Contact:
Apply through the links provided below each header. Applications accepted through the AmeriCorps portal only. No other application materials will be considered or reviewed.
