Educator/Lecturer Positions

National Nurses United, AFL-CIO (NNU), the nation’s largest nurses’ union and professional association, seeks experienced educators/lecturers to work in its expanding research and education arm, the Institute for Health and Socio-Economic Policy. These positions are based in San Francisco Bay Area.


Educators/lecturers may teach both semester-length university courses in our online certificate program in Women’s Global Health Leadership, and one-day continuing education courses for nurses. Educators/lecturers from all disciplines are encouraged to apply, particularly: area studies, anthropology, economics, geography, history, international studies, political science, philosophy, science studies, sociology, social psychology, and women’s studies. These are not traditional labor educator or nursing education positions.



After appropriate orientation, educators/lecturers design and teach one-day continuing education courses on healthcare restructuring, issues impacting nursing practice, and basic principles of political economy for Registered Nurses. Additionally, educators/lecturers also may design and teach semester length courses for the National Nurses United-Department of Women’s and Gender Studies joint online certificate program in Women’s Global Health Leadership at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey.


The ideal candidate will have the following qualities:

  • Strong commitment to social justice
  • Experience in working closely with others as part of a successful team
  • At least one advanced degree, doctorate desirable
  • Ability and willingness to travel
  • Two years teaching experience at the college level
  • Excellent qualitative social research skills
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
  • Familiarity in teaching successful intensive workshops
  • Ability to teach complex material in a way that is accessible to a broad audience
  • Experience teaching complex global issues of political economy
  • Valid driver’s license


Highly desirable attributes include familiarity with the epistemological problematic inherent in computerized expert systems and the impact on worker control, workplace power and skill, labor process studies, complex organizational analysis, the philosophy of science generally, and the social aspects of technological design and implementation.


The positions are based in the San Francisco Bay area and offer an excellent salary and benefits package that includes a pension and full family medical and dental coverage, including coverage for domestic partners.


To Apply

Please submit a résumé, cover letter, and writing sample in PDF or Word format and complete the online application form at the link below. At your option, you may submit a college-level course syllabus for a class that you have taught, an outline of a one-day educational workshop, and/or a one to three page description of the best training session, class or workshop you have conducted and the intended audience.


Please apply by submitting application, writing sample, resume and cover letter here.   (PCRecruiter login required)

For additional information, please contact us at


About Us

National Nurses United, with close to 190,000 members in every state, is the largest union and professional association of registered nurses in U.S. history. NNU leads the Registered Nurse movement to transform the market-driven healthcare industry in the United States into a healthcare system driven by patient needs. NNU has negotiated the best Registered Nurse collective bargaining contracts in the nation and provided critical leadership in the decision to endorse a single-payer healthcare system based on “updating and expanding Medicare benefits” for all Americans.


We provide a very competitive salary and benefit package including full family and domestic partner coverage, medical, dental, pension, and 401(k).


We are committed to Equal Opportunity, and to considering applicants of all ages, races, sexual orientations, national origins, ethnicities, and religions. We encourage people from diverse backgrounds and experiences related to our core organizational values and objectives to apply.