Job Description:

The Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) is hiring its first executive director. A thriving, professional EE association, MEEA is looking for the leader who will continue and build upon MEEA’s growth of recent years. MEEA has had notable success in developing innovative leadership programs that nurture emerging environmental leaders, helping build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environmental sector. The position is 50% FTE, with grant funding committed for three years.

Over-all Responsibilities

Reporting to the Board President and the 15-member Board of Directors, the executive director will lead, oversee and implement all MEEA operations and programs, in line with the goals, objectives, and policies established by the board.

The executive director will ensure that all MEEA activities and programs advance MEEA’s mission, vision, values, policies and strategic plan. The executive director will supervise staff (including paid employees, contractors, and volunteers) and will develop and manage MEEA’s operating budget.

The executive director will represent MEEA in a wide range of public and private settings, oversee the day-to-day operations, manage fundraising and membership initiatives, plan and implement events and programs, seek operational and program grants, and carry out regular communications with members, constituents and stakeholders in Maine, New England, and the environmental education field throughout the U.S.

Specific areas of responsibilities include:

Stakeholder Relations and Engagement – building MEEA’s membership; enhancing recognition and relationships for MEEA and environmental education through high-quality programs, effective partnerships, and media profile; provide leadership for a welcoming and inclusive environment for staff, volunteers, members, program partners and participants.

Programs and Operations – developing and managing all programs and initiatives that advance the MEEA strategic plan and support the Maine Environmental Literacy Plan; overseeing the assessment of projects and evaluating the impact the organization makes in the environmental education community; managing and maintaining MEEA’s messaging through its website, social media channels, and direct communications with members and other constituents; ensuring that all MEEA programs such as the annual conference and Emerging Environmental Changemakers Network continue to grow in scale and impact, and are well planned, staffed, implemented, and evaluated.

Fundraising – with appropriate board committees, setting fundraising goals, designing and implementing fundraising plans; securing grant funding, and implementing fees-for-services for programs and other projects.

Financial and Legal – developing and managing MEEA’s annual operating budget and business plan for board approval; maintaining recording keeping systems and databases; facilitating periodic financial reviews; ensuring that MEEA conforms with all applicable state and federal regulations and reporting requirements.

Minimum Qualifications

  • A bachelor’s degree in education, conservation, natural resources management, community development, nonprofit management or equivalent field is required.
  • Experience in developing and managing environmental and/or educational programming, or non-profit operations.
  • Experience in various forms of fund raising and revenue building, such as grant writing, individual giving, corporate sponsorships, special events, or fee-for-service programs.
  • Written and oral communications and facilitation skills, in small and large group settings, in face-to-face as well as virtual formats.
  • Ability to implement multiple tasks with different priorities and objectives and willingness to support various organizational projects.

Preferred Qualifications

  • A master’s degree in any of the areas of concentration listed above.
  • At least a five year record of leadership in non-profit management, organizational operations, program development for a wide variety of audiences, and fundraising.
  • Key roles in developing, implementing, monitoring and reporting on grant projects that exceed $50,000.
  • Proven communications skills, and demonstrable ability to build teams, work collaboratively with and motivate many others.

How to Apply:

Download a job description at is external)

Send your resume and a thoughtful cover letter, in a single PDF document, to sends e-mail), by August 31, 2018.

Inquiries are welcome and may be sent to Adrian Ayson, at sends e-mail). is external)

MEEA values inclusiveness and diversity in its broadest sense. We welcome everyone to work with us, including but not limited to, people of all races, ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations, abilities, ages, national origins, socioeconomic status, religious affiliations, languages, and heritages. MEEA is an equal opportunity employer and does not tolerate discrimination nor sexual harassment in the workplace under any circumstance. MEEA is committed to becoming a diverse, inclusive, and equitable organization