Duty Location: Nellis Air Force Base (NAFB), Creech Air Force Base (CAFB), Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR), Las Vegas, NV


The Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CEMML) is a research, education and service unit within the Warner College of Natural Resources at Colorado State University (CSU). CEMML applies the latest and most appropriate science to promote the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources on Department of Defense and other public lands. We provide technical support, conduct applied research, and offer career development and learning opportunities to support resource stewardship. We collaborate with our sponsors and within CSU to resolve complex environmental issues, leaving a legacy of science-based decisions to sustain our resources for future generations. To learn more about CEMML’s contributions to land management and our mission, vision, and values, please visit http://www.cemml.colostate.edu/.



Natural resources specialists hired under this open pool will be supporting a wide variety of natural resource projects between NAFB, CAFB, and NTTR. Individuals hired will be paired with projects that best suit their experience, education, and professional interests. Persons hired will not be paired with a project without prior discussion and agreement between the CEMML Principal Investigator (PI) and that employee. Field work will be required and will take place as installation/range access allows. Field work may include: travel by vehicle, travel by helicopter, surveys from a helicopter, working in adverse weather conditions, working overnight, overland travel by foot, carrying heavy loads, interaction with potentially dangerous wildlife, contact with threatened and endangered flora and fauna, navigation by GPS, use of topographic maps, and the opportunity to be grounded by range control with very little warning. It is very possible that a field effort could be shut down by range control and would have to be rescheduled. Working on weekends and holidays is mandatory, as this is typically when range access is available. Work outside of field efforts may include communication and coordination with CEMML and/or Federal staff, post-field work reporting, data entry, data analysis, and general report writing to summarize findings.

Projects to be supported include:

Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan (INRMP) update

Wetlands monitoring

Amphibian and reptile management

Bat surveys and management

Candidate species management

Desert tortoise management*

Golden eagle management

Migratory and neo-tropical bird management

Species at risk management

Wild horse and large mammal management

Unique habitat and rare plant surveys

Vegetation classification

Invasive species management*


Office tasks

o Printing/copying

o Organizing materials/equipment

o Equipment maintenance

o Vehicle maintenance

o scheduling

*of particular interest/need


Minimum Qualifications:

Bachelor of Science degree (or similar) in a field related to the project work, OR at least 4 years of applicable field experience

Must be able to work weekends and holidays

Ability to work in challenging field conditions (heat, cold, carrying heavy equipment, ability to walk long distances, etc)

Must have a valid driver’s license or the ability to obtain a driver’s license by the employment start date

The successful candidate must be eligible to work in the United States by proposed start date. CEMML will not provide visa sponsorship for this position.

Must pass a background investigation


Desirable Qualifications:

Master of Science degree or higher

Previous experience supporting natural resource projects at NAFB, CAFB, and NTTR

Demonstrated adaptability to field work related issues

Ability to work with a wide variety of personalities

Desert Tortoise Authorized Biologist/Monitor



The open pool will be open from July 9, 2018 – March 1, 2019. We anticipate hiring 2+ individuals throughout the duration of the project. Individuals hired through this open pool are not guaranteed full-time work, nor are they guaranteed a set schedule. The position is hourly, as-needed. There is some support that will be needed on a more regular basis and will be discussed with candidates that have matching skill sets for that particular work. Schedules will be coordinated with the CEMML PI, CEMML Research Associates, and NAFB staff. Individuals will be hired based on project needs and their experience and expertise. The intention is to have individuals hired and ready to go when field opportunities arise. Scheduling of field activities may occur many months out or 1 week ahead of time, depending on range availability.


Hourly Rate:

The hourly rate for Natural Resources Specialists will range between $15/hr – $35/hr, commensurate with experience, education, and overall qualifications.


Diversity Statement:

Reflecting departmental and institutional values, candidates are expected to have the ability to advance the Department’s commitment to diversity and inclusion.


Background Check:

Colorado State University is committed to providing a safe and productive learning and living community. To achieve that goal, we conduct background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Background checks may include, but are not limited to, criminal history, national sex offender search and motor vehicle history.



To apply for this position please submit the following to Chris Herron at the email: Christopher.herron@colostate.edu for review:

1. A brief email stating your interest, your background, and a request to submit a full application to support any of the projects indicated above. An internal review of current support levels will determine if we are accepting full applications at that time. If a full application is requested please submit the following items.

2. A cover letter highlighting your experience related to the type of projects indicated above, any experience working within the Department of Defense (with particular emphasis on support at NAFB, CAFB, or NTTR), how you meet the Minimum Qualifications, and why you are applying for the position.

3. Your most recent resume

4. A list of 2 professional references


Point of contact for any inquiries:

Chris Herron, Natural Resources Specialist & Principal Investigator

Email: Christopher.herron@colostate.edu



Please mention how you learned of this opening.