Please see the following link for more information:

UERC is a consortium of people from educational institutions, state and federal agencies, local governments, non-profit organizations and businesses, as well as independent professionals and students, interested in supporting urban ecosystem research and creating an information sharing network to collect, share, and use ecological data in the Portland/Vancouver area.

The mission of UERC is to improve ecological and human health in the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan region by advancing the science and understanding of urban ecosystems and by fostering communication and collaboration among a network of researchers, professionals, other interested groups and our community.

UERC does not provide a political or advocacy platform, but rather offers a forum for professionals to exchange and discuss information regarding urban ecology and its application to relevant fields.

The major activities of UERC include an annual symposium in January/February, and lunch-and-learn presentations throughout the year.  We host a listserve mailing list, so please sign up if you’d like to exchange information related to urban ecology in the Portland/Vancouver region.


Online registration is available through 123Signup:

Regular registration rates January 15-28, 2019(includes lunch)
General: $60  Student: $15

Late registration (including at-the-door) (does not include lunch)
General: $60 Student: $15

Credit cards only. No cash or checks.


Keynote Speakers

This year’s keynote speakers are:

Celeste Searles Mazzacano, Ph.D. is the owner and principal scientist of CASM Environmental, where she provides invertebrate-based environmental education, and conducts surveys and creates management plans for insects and freshwater mussels.

Robert Michael Pyle, lepidopterist, writer, teacher, and founder of the Xerces Society