Job Description: Fundraising/Finance/Operations Lead and Staff Collective member

40 hours/week: Finance: 30% time; Fundraising: 25% time; Admin/Data: 15% time; Other projects: 15% time; Shared responsibilities = 15% time.


One of our founding Staff Collective members is leaving at the end of October, so we are looking to fill her position. Do you have strong nonprofit operations/fundraising/finance experience, a commitment to working towards climate justice, and an interest in being part of a collective? Are you committed to fighting the systems that cause climate change, and ensuring that justice and equity is centered in that work? Then come join the 350 Seattle Staff Collective!


Salary: The full-time Staff Collective (SC) rate is currently $4,350/month. Some members do not take the full amount, in order to help support our leadership stipend fund. Given that SC members are contractors, people work on their own schedules as long as the work is accomplished; our norm has been to take up to 4 weeks off/year. There are also professional development funds available. The next phase of organizational growth will likely involve switching to a full-time payroll model (salary + benefits) and the new SC member will guide this process. 


About 350 Seattle 

350 Seattle’s mission is to work toward climate justice by organizing people to make deep system change: resisting fossil fuels; building momentum for healthy alternatives; and fostering resilient, just, and welcoming communities. Since founded in 2013, we have:


  • Helped to kill Shell’s Arctic drilling 
  • Worked in coalition to stop or slow down every proposed fossil fuel infrastructure project in the state.
  • Persuaded the City of Seattle to end its $3 billion banking relationship with Wells Fargo due to its funding of the Dakota Access Pipeline. (With no other options at this point, the City is exploring setting up a public bank.)
  • Pushed King County to ban new fossil fuel infrastructure. 
  • Focused local media on  climate change and climate action and helped to draw attention to its disproportionate impact on people of color and lower income communities.


We’ve accomplished all this by creating an infrastructure that makes it easy for people to volunteer and put their skills to good use. We now have over 30 teams/projects, hundreds of volunteers, and thousands of supporters. 


About the Staff Collective


350 Seattle’s staffing model is a non-hierarchical Staff Collective. There are seven members of the collective and all are accountable to each other and to the organization’s leadership — there is no boss. We chose a collective model because we wanted to staff the organization in a way that models our value of distributing power and having shared accountability for the whole. 

As a collective, we are all responsible for the health and wellbeing of the organization. Each member of the collective fills specific roles, though we sometimes shift roles to balance workloads or to learn new things. We all have some shared responsibilities–to help raise money, to respond to opportunities and threats, and to work on organizational development projects. If we don’t meet our fundraising goals, we all figure out how to deal with it. We approach our work with the spirit of engaging as many people as possible and building the strength of the movement. Because the collective structure is unique, we are building it as we go. We are looking for someone who is not intimidated by an evolving organizational structure and who is excited to help shape it. When issues arise, we all take responsibility for addressing them. 


About the job

Specific roles to be filled include: 


Financial Management

  • Create annual operating budget and project budgets for grants as needed
  • Work with volunteer bookkeeper; code revenue and expenses and pull lists for bookkeeping; troubleshoot accounts reconciliation; serve as bookkeeping back-up
  • Create monthly financial reports including cash flow projections; manage the budget and communicate with Staff Collective and Board about overall financial health of the organization; determine process for funding decisions within the budget
  • Write checks and issue reimbursements
  • Deposit checks and cash 
  • Work with bookkeeper to ensure 990 is completed


Fundraising Management: All Staff Collective members engage in fundraising — they are effectively the fundraising team, along with a few volunteers. One SC member manages fundraising events and another does a lot of the grant writing. This role manages the overall fundraising plan and does more fundraising than the rest of the SC. 

  • Create and manage annual fundraising plan
  • Research and track grants, help to write grants, develop grant budgets, meet with funders, and report on grants. 
  • Lead major donor campaign, write pitches, and make asks.
  • Develop the annual campaign, write many of the appeal letters and emails, and ensure we stay on track with our goals
  • Co-lead with Events team and our biggest fundraiser, Intertwined, by securing sponsorships and supporting logistics
  • Provide fundraising coaching to the SC and volunteers, step in and support fundraising when needed.
  • Ensure donors are thanked in a timely and appropriate manner (support our volunteer thank you writer). 
  • Recruit and onboard people onto the fundraising team.


Admin/Data Management: Work with volunteers and bring in more support to manage the increasing amount of administrative work and data management required for a growing organization.

  • Secure insurance and manage policy renewals, sign leases, rental agreements, and other paperwork on behalf of the organization.
  • Ensure 350 Seattle completes all its required government licensing and registration requirements; ensure lobbying compliance.
  • Manage contracts, renewals, and amendments with consultants and contractors.
  • Liaise with data manager and provide backup data management
  • Work with Amazon Employees for Climate Justice leads to support their administration.
  • Liaise with our attorney
  • Ensure that people are following internal policies and processes and intervene/redirect when they are not. 


Other projects: We’re setting aside 15% of the time in this position to support other projects/teams, after initial onboarding and understanding of the core responsibilities of this position. This is an opportunity to support campaign work or special initiatives (e.g. the outgoing Staff Collective member supported our Pledge of Resistance and Port teams)  — you could also choose to focus solely upon fundraising/finances/operations. This will be determined with consultation from the rest of the Staff Collective.


Shared responsibilities: each Staff Collective member has 15% time for shared responsibilities. Shared responsibilities include things like engaging in the Staff Collective and its development, organizational development projects, networking with community leaders and organizations, volunteer engagement and leadership development/onboarding, fundraising, responding to organizational opportunities and threats, facilitating internal communication. 




We are specifically looking for someone with nonprofit operations experience to join the collective. Specifically, experience developing and managing budgets, keeping books using Quickbooks, developing and managing a fundraising plan, creating internal systems/policies for a growing nonprofit organization, and ensuring compliance with government regulations. 


In addition, we ask that all Staff Collective members: 

  • Be based in the Seattle area 
  • Be experienced in transformative social change work and deeply committed to climate justice, social justice, and anti-racism principles.
  • Have a strong commitment to integrity, transparency and democratic process 
  • Be committed to a high level of accountability to the collective as well as personal growth and development 
  • Be able to take initiative and self-manage but also work well with team dynamics 
  • Have familiarity/experience with and be comfortable working in a collective/flat structure (a plus) 


How to apply

We will begin to review applications and set up interviews beginning on September 15th. Unless otherwise noted, applications will be reviewed until we have extended an offer to someone (and that will be updated on this google doc). We are aiming to hire someone by early October and have the person begin in mid-October, but will flex the timeline as needed. 


To apply, please write a letter explaining why this position is of interest to you, how you are qualified to do it, and what you’d bring to the Staff Collective. Also, send a resume and/or anything else that will help us understand who you are to Shemona Moreno at