As higher education is becoming virtual in the face of COVID-19, we invite you to take advantage of a great opportunity for educating your students about climate change and climate justice.
We invite you to participate in the National Power Dialog, the world’s largest virtual teach-in on climate solutions and climate justice.
On Tuesday, April 7, 2020, Solve Climate will host a nationally coordinated on-line event with local events at hundreds of participating schools in every state. The 4.7.20 Power Dialog will feature 52 hour-long, university-hosted webinars on state-specific solutions, followed by campus and community dialogs that will focus on how students and others can take action.
We invite you to #MakeClimateAClass – we ask you and your colleagues to assign their students to watch their state’s webinar and then discuss it in the next class. We will engage more than 100,000 students in critical conversations about Power as clean energy, but also about Power as engaged civic action. Faculty can sign up at

#MakeClimateAClass is relevant to all subject areas and all levels of courses from high school to graduate school. includes discussion guides for subjects including economics, literature, science, Spanish and philosophy.