Here is a chance to enjoy deep social connection while developing skills and cultivating compassion for yourself, your family and your community. We need these skills and the circle of brave and supportive space in these challenging times.   You will enjoy these sessions of self-nurturing, spirit raising and skill building so you can bring the healing skills to your home and community.  If you encourage friends, family or colleagues to also join the sessions, you will find the course even more valuable to building trust and depth in your relationships.  You will learn to be a peace and bridge builder.
These four Thursday sessions in April (1 to 3:30 PST, 4 to 6:30 EST) will be on Zoom so we can interact and even break out into smaller groups for more intermittent connection and experiential activities.  (If you’re new to Zoom – we’ll arrange for some coaching for you:  not to worry – it’s easy!  You just need a computer and internet connection.  It’s possible on iPad or phone, not Chrome book – but easier on computer).  $95 for the series of four sessions.  (scholarships may be available – no one turned away!)

Register here:

Not sure?  Start with a ‘Free Taste’ of Compassionate Listening on Monday March 30 from 4:30 to 6 PST (7:30 to 9 EST).
Register here: